Kai's Secret

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After class ended, Kat excused herself from the group heading to the gym and went to look for Kai. She asked around and found out that he was in the art room. Luckily, even with her problems, she found where it was and went inside.

Kai wasn't there. Instead, there was this other guy, slightly taller than her, with a smirk on his face. He looked mean. This was the same guy from her first class. He had arranged everyone to tell her to come to the art room. They didn't dare disobey him, because he was known for being able to beat up almost everyone. Except for the Exo boys. Nobody could beat up the Exo boys.

"Do you know where Kai is?", Kat asked.

"No, but I can keep you company."

"No thanks.", she said politely.

"Too bad", he said and tried to grab her.

Reflexively, she took his arm, flipped him over, and pinned him to the ground. Then she got him into a chokehold. Kat held him there for a couple minutes. "Too bad for you, not me.", she told him.

"Why. Are. You. So. Strong. You're just a girl", he grunted, writhing and trying to break free. He failed, but managed to land a punch on Kat's cheekbone before she overtook him again. She had to admit, he had quite a punch. Most definitely, she was going to get a bruise.

"Clench your teeth unless you want to lose them", she warned before clocking him in the jaw multiple times. She was annoyed that he had gotten through to her. Kat was willing to make him pay.  "Let go of me, I'm sorry!", he whined.

"Stop whining, you baby.", Kat told him tersely. "If you mess with me, suffer the consequences."

Then she heard someone enter the room. Quickly, she flipped him on top of her so it seemed like he was beating her up.

Kai entered the room. Seeing what was happening, he flung the guy on top of Kat literally across the room in one fluid motion.

"Are you ok? Did he do anything to you?", he asked her, forehead wrinkling with worry.

"It's ok, I'm fine. Thanks."

"I came here looking for you because some people told me that you were looking for me, and Dong Wook was behind all this. I was hoping you were ok..."

"I was until this guy just tried to hurt me", she lied, voice cracking.

Kai stepped toward the boy and leaned down to where he lay sprawled on the ground. "Listen, your name is Dong Wook, right? I know who you are and how to get to you. Don't mess with Kat, if you know what's good for you."

"I'm not scared of you but I'm scared of her. Besides, I didn't even hurt her."

"Oh, you're a liar now?", Kai asked, cracking his knuckles.

"Kai, you can stop now", Kat said. To Dong Wook, she whispered, "Maybe not the best idea to go around telling everyone that you got beat up by a girl. Let's just keep it like this, ok? I won't tell anyone either. Now scram."

He nodded, not needing to be told twice. He ran out of the room to wherever he needed to go next.

"What'd you say to him? Why is he leaving? Should I go get him?"

"Oh, I just told him to watch out and scram or I'd have eight boys beating him up."

"Are you sure you're ok? You seem pretty shaken up. You have a bruise forming on your face! Here, let me see."

Kai gently held her chin with his left hand and caressed her forming bruise with the other.

"Does it hurt?", he asked.

"Mm, a little. I'll be fine", she reassured him, trying not to blush. Kat knew that he didn't like her, yet she found herself falling for his kindness.

Reading her mind, Kai let go and said, "I hope you're not taking this the wrong way... I just care about you and the other guys would kill me if anything happened to you."

"About that, yeah I know you don't like me. I'm thankful for you rescuing and fussing over me anyway. Appreciate it. But I need to tell you that I accidentally went into your room and found this". Kat handed Kai the letter. "I was going to put it back but D.O came inside."

"Did D.O see?"


"Ok good."

"Wait, is it true, though?"

"Yeah", Kai blushed. He wasn't mad that Kat had found out. Sooner or later, someone would've figured it out. It was nice to be able to vent to someone now, and he trusted her.

"How many letters have you written?" She asked.

"At least ten..."

"You must really be in love with her!", Kat teased.

Kai ran his hand through his hair. "I'm not even going to deny that", he admitted.

The bell rang. They both froze. "Crap. I think we just missed all of gym..."

"We can just tell them that there was a guy trying to do something to you. Besides, it's only gym."

"What class do you have next?"

"Me? I have a spare. What about you?"

"Rap. You should join us~~"

"Ha! I would, but I'll pass. I promised to take Layla out to coffee. She's addicted, I swear." Kai smiled at the thought of her.

"I can walk you to rap, though", Kai offered. "Chanyeol and Sehun are taking Layla from gym to rap, so I told them I'd meet them there."

"That would be great."

Leaving the art room, Kat and Kai walked shoulder to shoulder all the way to their next class. He walked her all the way to her class. Kat sadly thought that, if he weren't in love with Jayne, she would've liked him. She hoped Jayne liked him. Kai was such a gentleman.

Once they were in front of the rap room, Kai said, "Kat, remember not to tell anyone. It's a secret just between us". He winked, taking Jayne's wheelchair and walking out the back ramp.

"Yessir!", she saluted.

"What's all this about?", Jayne asked suspiciously.

"Oh, Kat just got beat up by a Dong Wook. I got there before things got any worse.", he told her.

"THAT &@$#^*%£*%!!!", Jayne screamed. Everyone looked at her. She flipped them off.

"I'll tell you about it at lunch", Kat said, embarrassed.

He winked at her one last time. You know my secret now, the wink seemed to say. Keep it safe.

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