Becoming part of Exo

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Kat's eyes fluttered open, and the first thing she thought was, where am I? She tensed, ready to punch her potential kidnapper if needed. Then Kat relaxed. Right. She was in Exo Entertainment.

Yesterday had been a long action-packed day. As soon as she had accepted to work here, she brought in all her stuff from the hotel room that she was staying in. Kat's parents were rich, so they had paid for accommodations and gave her allowance. They were in Europe for job-related things that they didn't explain much to her about.

For Kat, it was fine because she was used to not having her parents around. But this time, they had expected her to pay for school, accommodations and food as soon as she had a job. Which was why she took this job. Not to mention the opportunity to be able to watch Exo sing and dance.

Mrs. Park had insisted on talking to her parents, making sure everything was alright with them. At first they were skeptical about their precious daughter living in the same dorm area as eight boys, but hearing that there was a girl her age there, they were fine with it.

Taking back her phone from Mrs. Park, Kat talked with her parents.

"Honey, are you sure you're ok with living here and everything?"

"Yeah, mom. It's not like I'm five. Next year, I won't even be a minor anymore. If anything goes wrong, I'll tell you. The pay is really good too. $400 a day!"

"I thought you said your job that you're applying for paid $200 a day?"

"Oh, about that.... long story short, I got sidetracked and got this job, sorry... this job was also supposed to be $200 a day but since Mrs. Park will be leaving town I'll have to do her part as well."

"As long as you're happy, it's fine. I have a meeting starting now! I love you, honey!"

"Love you too, mom. Bye~" Kat had hung up and gone to bed right away.

Now, still on her bed, she wondered where Jayne was. She wasn't on the bed beside her, although they were roommates. Checking the time, Kat noticed it was 10 am. Too early for her liking. Kat lazily got up, and left the room. In the kitchen, Jayne was making something that smelled really good.

"Hey, sleepyhead! About time you're up! The guys went to an early morning event. They'll be back around dinner time. As for us, Mrs. Park told me to turn you into an Exo-L today!We'll binge watch everything Exo related!! It's gonna be so much fun! Here's breakfast, by the way."

Kat looked at the plate Jayne was holding out to her. There were a stack of pancakes topped with whipped cream, maple syrup and blueberries. Immediately, Kat wolfed it down.

"This is delicious!", she commented. Jayne stared at her.

"You finished the whole stack in less than five minutes. How are you human?"

"I'm not."

Twenty minutes later, Kat helped Jayne onto her bed, and cuddled beside her. Jayne had her laptop on her lap, a mountain of snacks beside her, and a smirk on her face.

"Who in Exo do you like best so far?", Jayne asked.

"Baekhyun. He's the nicest, and he's cute!"

"LOL. Let's see if that changes."

For the next eight hours straight, they watched every Exo related video out there. Kat had officially been bias wrecked by everyone. She was feeling abused by how perfect they were.

"Wait are they gay?"

"Ha! No. They do it for the fans. Apparently the fans love it."

"Ok good", Kat said without thinking.

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