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Xiumin quickly got off of Kat, blushing furiously, which resulted in Kat banging her head on the hard ground. Making her unconscious. Again.

When she finally got up, Kat let out a string of curse words under her breath. "I'm losing so many brain cells.", she muttered.

"You'll still be smarter than all of us combined!", Chanyeol said brightly.

"Are you sure about that?", Suho asked from the couch.

"Considering how you can't even solve a 2x2 Rubik's cube, yeah.", Luhan retorted, a 6x6 Rubik's cube in hand.

"Some of us don't waste our time on petty things", Chen commented, and Luhan threw it at him.

D.O silently went to the kitchen to grab his kitchen knife.

Kat slowly got up and walked to her room, and gasped at the pain in her head. She sat down, holding her throbbing head.

She had turned the corner and so the Exo members couldn't see her anymore. They thought that she had gotten to her room.

"Xiumin hyung, so what did you do to her?", Kai asked, genuinely curious. The others nodded, wanting and not wanting to hear at the same time. Tao covered his ears.

"I didn't do anything!!", Xiumin protested.

The others made some comments and raised their eyebrows, but they trusted him.

"Besides, if I did, you guys would kill me.", Xiumin reasoned. "Yes, that includes you, Suho."

"I don't like her! She's ugly!", Suho whined.

The others laughed at how untrue that statement was. Even Suho knew that it wasn't true. But to Kat who was sitting in the hallway, that hurt. She had always been insecure of her looks, and the other members laughing didn't help. Layla even made a mean comment because she was jealous. Sehun did throw a couch pillow at Suho, but she couldn't hear that.

Kat stalked of to her room and lay down on her bed. She punched her pillow repeatedly. She didn't let herself cry because she had already cried to much in front of the other members, even if they were close now.

Slowly drifting off to sleep, the last thought she had was, This is why you can't let anyone into your heart. Because they hurt you.

When Kat woke up for the fourth time that day, it was just before midnight. She was hangry.

(A/N: Yes, Danielle, I'm looking at you.)

Kat viciously munched on cookies instead of chips, because chips would be loud. It filled her hunger, and she was content.

But before long, the comment Suho had made got to her. Kat knew he probably didn't mean it in a mean way, and she didn't know why it got to her so much.

She hated being called ugly, because she was ugly for the longest time. Nobody knew how long she had to eat healthy, work out and use skincare before getting this pretty. Still, she felt like she was that ugly girl she was before.

Determined to feel pretty again, Kat returned to her room and gently woke Layla up.

"What is it?", Layla asked groggily.

"Put makeup on me I'm going to a club.", Kat decided.

Layla's eyes shot open. "WHAT?!!"

"Yeah. Now help me please, or have to tranquilize you and hope that you forget."

"Why do you want to go to a club all of a sudden?"

Kat was about to answer but remembered that Layla had also made a sort of snarky comment.

"No reason", she muttered.

Layla happily got up and did her makeup beautifully. At first Layla was super happy that Kat had come, but lately she had become jealous at how much attention she was getting.

Layla thought, The further she's away, the more Exo will pay attention to me. Also, if she goes to a club they'll realize that she doesn't like them.

Kat borrowed Layla's bright red dress. It fit her perfectly.

She found the nearest club that was conveniently close to their house, and entered, giggling nervously.

Instantly, heads turned and the club fell silent and the DJ turned the music down. A few whistles could be heard.

"Hot damn~~~ give me yo number" A guy cat-called.

Kat smirked. Now she felt confident. "Buy me a drink and we'll see about that. But I wouldn't be too sure if I were you!" She winked.

As if owning the club, Kat strode over to the bar counter.

"I'd like to have a-"

Looking up, she couldn't believe who she saw.

Park. Freaking. Chanyeol.

Staring down at her with wide, surprised eyes.
He put a finger to his lips. An unspoken agreement was made. He wouldn't tell themselves others if she wouldn't tell.

Still, Kat couldn't help but wonder why he was here.

The guy who offered to buy her a drink was very confused at this point. He left, shaking his head.

(A/N: I know, short chapter. Sorry. Love y'all.)

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