Chanyeol's Secret

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Floundered, Kat pretend to just be an average girl hitting on the bar tender. Nobody else cared because they all knew that Chanyeol was really handsome and got hit on a lot.

Eventually, Chanyeol's boss told Chanyeol that he could leave early, saying, "Don't keep pretty girl waiting. She's the prettiest girl in the club by far." He also gave them free drinks. They downed it, not knowing it was alcohol.

Chanyeol joined Kat. "What are you doing here? You're underage.", he whispered semi-furiously. Mostly, he was just curious.

"So are you." Kat pointed out. "Anyway, dance with me!", she smiled brightly. "Do we waltz?"

His jaw dropped. "Wha? You're saying. You've never been in a club before?"

"Again, I'd like to point out that we're both underage."

"Shhhh someone will hear you. Wait, but then how did you get in?"

"Don't worry they won't kick us out. Can't you just see that they're all staring at us cuz we make such a good couple?" Kat winked casually at Chanyeol making him almost choke.

"You're avoiding the question."

"I just asked pleeeeeease?" Kat had an adorable pout on her face. Chanyeol could now see why they let her in.

"You could've gotten hurt!"

Kat gave him the really look. He sighed. "Cmon let's dance."

As if on cue, the DJ started playing Exo The Eve and Chanyeol took the floor. Kat couldn't help but stare open-mouthed. His body rolls were to die for 👅 and his body proportions tho 👌. He wasn't part of the dancing line, but he was talented just the same.

Kat could find herself falling for him hardcore. He had a cute face, but when he was serious, he was hot. And he was soooo tall.... let's also not forget his voice. Mmmm. Needless to say, Kat was fangirling.

Chanyeol noticed this too, and smirked. He took her hand and led her onto the dance floor. "Now waltz" he murmured in her ear. She giggled at the tingling feeling of his breath on her ear.

He did some of his dance moves, and Kat replicated them. They were a perfect pair. Everyone was looking at them and copying them. Chanyeol had Kat close to him at all times, in case a guy tried to steal her from him. That wasn't needed, though. Everybody knew she was taken.

After dancing, they were exhausted. "I'm thirsty", Kat announced. Instantly, around 20 guys offered to get her drinks. This annoyed Chanyeol.

"Miss, if you can chug this faster than me, you can have all your drinks tonight for free.", the new bartender offered.


"Three, two, one, CHUG!!!" It was a close game, since the bartender was a 'trained' chugger, but KAT WON!!!!

(A/N: To all the sexist guys out there, yes, girls can chug. Fast.)

Everyone was still surprised, though. Chanyeol eyed her in awe. Kat felt adrenaline coarse through her veins. At the request of a few people, she did it again.

What Kat didn't know was that she was chugging alcohol the entire time. After the third glass, she was close to passing out.

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