Chen's Secret

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Noticing D.O's frantic looks thrown at Kat and Kat walking out the door with a stressed look on her face, Sehun decided to go after her. Knowing Kat, she'd probably get into a fight.

"I'm gonna get some bubble tea. Someone stole my peach flavoured bubble tea. Tao come with me."

"No! I'm watching this.", Tao complained.

"Cmon. I'll buy you something.", Kris coaxed. Kris could see in Sehun's eyes that he was going to follow Kat, so he wanted to go too.


Kat had walked outside and went to where the fights were. It wasn't that hard for her. Although she had terrible orientation skills, she could smell things well. She just had to follow the smell of blood.

Sure enough, within twenty minutes she had entered a dark alley. A bunch of guys stood there smoking and beating each other up.

Sehun, Tao and Kris stood far enough so they wouldn't be seen. They gulped. It sure wasn't safe for a girl, even if she was good at fighting. Sehun had filled them in on Kat's fighting skills.

They were all holding bubble tea, because Tao and Sehun had begged Kris to stop by the bubble tea shop before they followed Kat.

Kat walked up to them, and they whistled.

"It's not a place for pretty girls like you to be.", they warned.

"Ha! If you keep that up, you'll get beat up by this pretty girl. Who's the leader? Lemme fight him."

They laughed at her. "You think you could beat the leader? You probably can't even beat the weakest guy here."

"Yeah I can."

They pushed one guy forward. He was tall and muscular. He had a scar running down the side of his face and tattoos all over him. He had the jack of spades tattooed on his arm.

"Imma call you Jack.", Kat decided, referring to his tattoo. "Call me queen because I will beat you."

Jack spat out the cigarette he was smoking.

"Go easy on queenie!", the others called, laughing.

Kat had had enough. She punched Jack square in the face. Thinking she was weak, Jack had let Kat hit him, which turned out to be a fatal mistake. He jerked back, swearing.

"Not going easy on you anymore, queenie.", he said roughly, swinging a punch at her.

She dodged under Jack's arm and connected a fist to his jaw, sending him stumbling backwards.

But Jack wasn't a fighter for nothing. Although Kat managed to deflect his blows, her arms were going to be bruised.

Not being able to hit Kat infuriated Jack. He started playing dirty. Jack grabbed Kat's hair and pulled her down, kicking her. She swore loudly, spun around him and landed a spinning kick on his temple, knocking him out.

Triumphant, Kat smirked. This turned out to be a wrong choice.

"You should've ran away when you could", the others growled menacingly.

"Stop." The leader, whom Kat heard was called Joker, told them. His voice sounded oddly familiar, but Kat couldn't see the leader. He was hidden in the shadows.

They halted, but Kat taunted them. The taunting worked, even though the leader tried to stop them. And what they did next took her by surprise.

Obviously, Kat thought that they would come at her one by one. But the group must've been annoyed that she took Jack down, so they all came running at her at once. Holding knives.

Scared, she stalled a couple seconds before kicking away a knife one guy had. There were around fifteen of them left. Kat whirled around, knowing that there was a guy behind her with a knife.

Although she managed to get his knife down, a third guy loomed over her with a knife. Clenching her eyes, she braced herself for the pain. It didn't come.

Looking up, she saw Sehun grabbing the third guy's arm. The guy tried to fight back but only succeeded in exploding Sehun's bubble tea. Sehun's eyes narrowed, and he punched the guy in the face, sending teeth flying.

"I wouldn't have punched you, but you wasted my bubble tea. Give me money so I can go buy a new one.", he demanded.

The guy handed him a fifty dollar bill. Sehun's eyes widened, but he said, "Taking all this money would make me no different from you guys", handing back forty dollars.

On her left, she saw Tao take down three guys, and same with Kris on her right. It surprised her, how good they were at fighting. Tao fought with a special form of martial arts, while Kris just knocked them out with a single punch.

"Pay attention, queenie.", Kat heard a gravelly voice say. She felt the searing pain of a knife on her neck. Kat kept from screaming but slowly felt herself going into shock.

Miraculously, Sehun appeared, sending the guy flying across the alley with a round of punches and a kick to top it off. He embraced her in a hug.

"I told you that I would protect you", he mumbled into her shoulder. "You're safe now."

Kat cried silently into his shoulder. Not letting go of her, Sehun lifted his head to the direction that the Joker would've gone to. Sure enough, he appeared.

Moonlight glinted the leader's face and Sehun instantly recognized him. Kim Jong Dae. Chen. They maintained eye contact for a few moments before Chen, or the Joker, vanished into the darkness.

Kris and Tao joined Sehun and Kat.

"Did you see him?", Kris asked in a low voice.

Sehun and Tao both nodded.

"See who?", Kat asked, sniffling.

Tao shook his head at Kris, mentally telling him not to tell her. Kris, bless his soul, understood.

"Nobody. Let's go get my bubble tea.", Sehun told Kat, heading to the convenience store. He didn't notice Kris' arm around Kat's shoulder, reassuring her that he was there for her.

"I feel like drinking something carbonated", Kat decided.

She grabbed a Monster. Immediately, the three boys started singing their song. Kat giggled. They secretly high fived each other for making her smile. Sehun bought his bubble tea while Kris and Tao bought bandaids and medicine to treat Kat's wound.

Sehun checked his phone. There was a text from Chen asking if she was ok. Annoyed, Sehun simply replied that she was shaken but fine with only one wound on her neck.

When they got home, Kat went straight to bed, and Sehun, Tao and Kris confronted Chen.

"Explain.", Sehun said simply.

"Well", Chen said, sighing, "you've probably noticed that I've been going out a lot. At first, I went outside to bike and stuff. But then, one day, I noticed a kid getting abused by some adults. So then I rescued him. Some other guys noticed how good I was at fighting and recruited me. I joined, moving up in rank over time. Before I knew it, this happened."

"Why didn't you stop them when they were trying to beat up Kat?", Tao asked. He was starting to feel sympathy for Chen.

Chen looked each of them in the eye. "I did help her. You each beat three people up, and so did Kat. That's twelve people. There's twenty people in our group. Who do you think beat up the remaining eight?"


"Don't tell Kat. She shouldn't know, at least not yet. The others told me about her history."

With that, Chen walked away, leaving the three of them in their thoughts.

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