The journal

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The sky bloom with orange and yellow sunlight has the sun was setting in the jungle, it was warm and hummed, the air blew hot with the scent of moist vegetation and tropical flowers. You could hear the sound of animals and small creatures all around. "Vamos" yelled Eduardo has he was crossing the strong rapid river, the rest of the man followed exhausted. They struggled to reach to the other side "Vamos, five more miles before we make camp" yelled Eduardo.

As the last man crossed the river he saw Eduardo with the group far ahead, he hurried up to catch up to them. Suddenly he tripped and fell on the ground flat on his face, the man looked to see what had cause him to fall,  it look like a long bone sticking out of the mud. "Paren, Stop!!" Yelled the man.
Eduardo heard the man's freighted voice shouting from afar, he turned back and rushed towards him.

"What happen, Qué pasa!?" Asked Eduardo to the man that had fallen back,  who was now digging on the soil.
"Look Eduardo!" Said the man has he was removing the dirt, exposing a skeleton with a green eye medallion and an old wallet.

Eduardo picked up the wallet and opened it. "Oh no, my God it can't be." said Eduardo looking down at the wallet has he fell on his knees next to the bones.
"Do you know them?" Asked one of the man.
Eduardo sighed "I'm afraid so." he answered.
"Eduardo there's another skeleton over here!" yelled another man.
Eduardo stood up and stared at the second corps.
"Who are they!?" Asked another man.
"They disappeared almost twenty years ago." said Eduardo with tears in his eyes trying to hide them.
"Do they have family here so they can be notify?" Someone asked.
Eduardo was quiet holding the old muddy wallet with a single picture inside. He slides the picture out gently and looked at it with sadness.
"They have family all right and....I'll notify him." said Eduardo has he was staring at the picture of Miles and Stella holding baby Arnold.

Three days after the skeletons were found, the word spread out like a horrible deadly disease.
Deep in the jungle in a large mansion a man was laying back against a large expensive desk, smoking marijuana. "Please la sombra give me a chance to prove myself, I won't let you down!" Begged a man terrified on his knees with two armed man on each side.
"I don't think so Amigo... you see I gave you a chance and you disappointed me by going to the police, now I just need to figure out how you're going to die..."

The man on his knees began to weep tears in desperation. "No please la sombra, I begged you, I have some information that can benefit you and.....if you let me go, I'll tell you what it is."

La sombra turned around to face him. "Information, what do you possible know that can benefit me?"
The armed man aimed the guns on his arms has he begged.
"I'll.....tell you....but you have to let me go....please."
La sombra laughed "You see, I don't like to make promises and I don't play games... well just when it's my game."

"No please!!!" The man in his knees continue to plead.

La sombra turned around and stared through the  large window of his mansion while he continues to smoke.
"I hate beggars ... shoot."

The two man with guns shot one single bullet aiming at the man's arms.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" The man screamed in agony after being shot on each arm.
"Now you better shut up and hold it in and just tell me the information I want to heard."

"Okay, Okay. Eduardo found the two corpses of the couple you shot by the river all those years ago and the word is, their son will come to come to San Lorenzo to identify the remains!!"

La sombra eyes were wide with horrible thoughts in his mind. He began to laughed uncontrollably "oh this is bueno, very good... you see this is why you should never try to play games with me. You could have just told me the truth from the begging and that way, my man wouldn't have shot you in your arms, causing you so much pain, pobrecito." Said la sombra has he was walking towards the man bleeding.

"You are so right I was wrong... will you let me go now." The man begged in tears.

La sombra smiled "Sure hombre I'll let you go."
"Thank you, Thank you!" said bleeding man.
"Wait!" said la sombra "I never said alive..... shoot him!"
"No!!!!" Yelled the man has he was shot to death.

"Take him away and send someone over to clean this up, make sure the maid brings lots of pinol, I don't want blood stains on my new shiny floor."

La sombra walked over to his desk and sat on his big leather chair once again.
"Why are you so happy La sombra?" Asked his compadre seating across from his desk, who had witness everything.

"You see that boy has the key to uncovering the green stone."

"What do you mean?" Asked his compadre.
"That good for nothing Mile's hid the green stone to protect the green eye people and its secrets, but he made a map and hid it on his most private intimate possession." said la Sombra.

"Possession?" Asked the compadre confused.
La sombra lean closer to him with wide dark eyes. "Un libro, a journal and once that boy bring the journal with will be all mine to reveal the green stone location."

"What if the map is not inside the book?" Asked the compadre

"You see this is why it's important to know your enemies and I can guarantee the map is in the journal, when I shot Miles he didn't have it with him, but it's obvious he send it to his son for protection and now that fool boy will bring the journal to me once again." He laughed.

"But how do you know the boy will bring the journal or that he even has it?"

"Oh he has the journal and he will bring it, I know he will."

"What about the prophecy?" asked the compadre.

La sombra leaned back and relax "That's just a bed time story, I'm not worry about it."
"So, do you think the green stone is worth a lot of plata, money?" Asked the compadre.
"You idiot, I'm not going to sell it!! That stone will give me something more valuable than money."

"What can be better than money la sombra?"
Asked the compadre pondering.

La sombra stood up and walked towards the large window and stared at the forest scenery and said.
"Power...unimaginable power mi amigo."

So what do you think about the first chapter?
Poor Arnold, what adventure or sorrows at wait for him in the jungle.
Till next one...

Arnold's greatest treasure and the secret of the green stoneWhere stories live. Discover now