Rescuing a friend

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Arnold POV:
Has I walked further away from the two most important people in my life I wonder...if I had made the right choice. On the other hand, I couldn't just leave Jorge with La Sombra he has help us so much, he saved Helga's life and now I was going to save his. I walked faster almost running through the dense vegetated path. The jungle was dark yet the bright light of the moon shine upon the trees and plants illuminating the leaves with its own magical mystical glow. The midnight view of the rainforest was truly mesmerizing. Even in the deepest part of the jungle I knew the way, I couldn't get lost. I could sense all the nature around me. As if the jungle was part of me.

I stopped at the top of a hill and crouched down exhausted from the journey. The harpy eagle quickly perched on a thick branch next to me. My eyes gazed upon the midnight view of the majestic landscape. The large rocky mountains look like guardians with the moon. I look down and saw the river, I recognized it and knew I wasn't far from where Jorge was being detained. "Jorge is inside the foggy forest, were almost there" I said to the harpy. The eagle turned its head and made a high call. Even if the eagle couldn't speak to me, it felt good to know I wasn't completely alone.

I had to hurry, my time was running out, I could feel it like a time clock within me making my heart beat faster and faster. I had to admit, even with the eagle flying above me and knowing I was the chosen one, I was afraid. I was terrified of never seeing Helga or my father again and letting everyone down.

Once I crossed the river, I knew I had to be as quiet as possible. The dense night fog covered me. I creep through their camp site and found all the man sleeping. The scent of alcohol in the air was proof some or all of the man had been drinking to much that night. Which was an advantage for me, still the man had guns and machetes, I couldn't let my guard down.

Suddenly I saw Jorge tied to a tree. He was lying down on the dirt and looked in bad shape. I was able to get closed to him and place my palm over his mouth. "Jorge, shush....I'm here don't make any noise." I whispered.

Jorge saw me with his big brown eyes in relief. I unknot the tight rope from his wrist and indicated him where to go. Then I saw him, the imagine hit my brain like a nightmare in my mind. The eagle was up in a tree looking down towards his tent and I realized, I could try to get the journal back. "Jorge go, I'll catch up to you." I told him.

"Where are you going?" He asked me frighten of being caught again.

"I know where La Sombra is and I will try to get my father's journal back."

Jorge nodded with fear in his eyes "Don't Arnold, we won't make it out of here alive if he sees you."

"The journal has a map to the green-eyes location I have to try to get it back. Go Jorge, I'll find you." I assured him. The look in his eyes was obvious, he didn't like the idea. Still I couldn't just walk away from the opportunity of getting the journal back.

The eagle's vision led me to La Sombras tent. It was a large green military style, I sneaked inside and saw a body sleeping underneath the sheets. I quickly begin to look around for the journal and I couldn't find it. Then, I saw something poking out from underneath La Sombra's pillow it was a book. I carefully grabbed the edge of the cover and gently pulled it out, indeed it was my father's journal. I swiftly walked towards the exit and I felt something heavy strike my head. Pow!

I felt on the ground hearing my own heart beating. The back of my head felt as if it was on fire from the blow. My vision was blurry, but it was clear, La Sombra had strike me in the head with something. I felt on the ground head up and saw him snatched the book away from my hand.

"You sneaky son of a perra....I never imagine you had the guts to come to my camp for the damn book. Just like your father sneaking in to the night. Pendejo muchacho you are my prisoner now and your so call girlfriend will die in your arms, just like your mother did!!" Said La Sombra holding the book in his hand and a wood stick on the other.

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