The past is reveal

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seventeen years ago.....

That night La Sombra had Miles, Stella and Pepe trap by the river. The strong current splash against the rocks carrying lots of force that day. Stella was holding Miles hand knowing it could be their last moment together.

"Doctor Miles, I'll give you till the count of three to give me your Journal and the eye of the forest, if you don't comply I'll have to kill your wife and your friend. Entonces what will it be!?"

La sombra man pointed their guns at Stella and Pepe. "I don't have the journal or the eye of the forest with me. Please you have to believe me." said Miles imploring.

Miles knew with the eye of the forest in La Sombrad hands it would be easier for him to find the large lost trapiche and with it, there was no telling what kind of power he could poses.

La sombra walked up to Pepe and asked.
"Cómo te llamas?"

Pepe was still looking down and wouldn't answer back.

"Oh so you don't speak Spanish?" La Sombra pointed a gun at Stella's Head.

"Soy Pepe, my name is Pepe." He finally Replied.

"You see was that hard. Now I can offer you a great deal of cash, plata if you tell me where Doctor Miles hid the eye of the forest and his journal."

"I don't know anything about it." Said Pepe looking down.

"Mírame! Look at me!" Yelled La Sombra
"Or I'll kill her!!!"

Pepe immediately lifted his head and stared at La Sombra with a straight face.
"I'm offering you a great deal of plata Pepe, you just have to tell me what I want."

Pepe turned to look at Stella and gazed at her eyes.

La sombra laughed "You are pathetic! Don't tell me you like Stella ha ha ha ha." Everyone laughed at him. Pepe wouldn't stop staring at Stella when suddenly a gun when off aiming at Pepe's heart.

"NO!!!!" cried Stella kneeling down on the dirt trying to hold Pepe's bloody body.

"YOU BASTARD!!!" Yelled Miles

La sombra wouldn't stop laughing....

"Oh that was good. Search them!" he gave the order.

His man approached them and passed their hands on their bodies. One of the man gave La Sombra a wallet which belonged to Miles. "We found this but their clean jefe."

La sombra opened the wallet and check the pockets. Then he walked up to Miles and threw the wallet directly to his face and said
"You better give me what I want, ahora!"

Miles pick up his wallet and gave it to Stella who was still on her knees holding Pepe's lifeless body.

"La sombra please like I said, I don't have it. Maybe one of your man stole the rock making you think it was us!"

"CALLATE! You're a lier Doctor Miles, your friend Eduardo told me everything....what, you didn't know he was working for me. Next time chose your friends wisely or don't have any, that's what I do. Pero esta bien, If you don't have what I want then you're useless. Now you will know how it feels to lose something you hold dear. Shoot her first then him." ordered La Sombra as he was walking away.

"NOOO!!" yelled Miles.
"Miles!!" Cried Stella as two bullets went right through her chest killing her instantly.

"OH GOD STELLA!!!NOOO!!!!" Miles wouldn't stop sobbing pressing his face on her shoulder.

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