The evil approach

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The moon was high in the dark sky, the warm breeze blew through the window where Arnold and Helga were sleeping. Arnold was sweating and twitching in his sleep "No...his coming" he mumbled. He dreamed he was soaring through the valley and saw a large jeep passing through along with two more smaller jeeps, behind them, a black shadow followed them closely. They were getting closer and closer to the small village. Arnold opened his eyes alarmed by the dream he had in his sleep, he looked out the window and saw the same eagle  from his vision and from San Lorenzo. It was the grey and white eagle standing on a tree branch, it looked at him and Arnold knew, the dream he had was in fact a vision and La Sombra was coming.

"Helga wake up!" he shook her.
"Ugh, what's going on?" she mumbled
"Helga, La sombra is coming we better flee and fast, put on your shoes and grabbed your backpack." Helga opened her eyes in shocked.
"How do you know!?" She asked worried.
"I just know, come on get ready." Arnold put on his shoes and grabbed his father's whip and clipped it on his belt.

In Jorge's house, the sound of the vehicle's engines woke him up. He looked out the window and saw black jeeps approaching the village, he recognized the Jeeps and knew who it was. He immediately woke his mother and told her to hide in a closet and to lock the door, then he approached the room where Eduardo was sleeping to awake him.

"La sombra is here!" He whispered to Eduardo
"Que!! How do you know!?" Eduardo asked.

"I recognize his fancy black jeeps anywhere.We should warned Arnold!" Whispered Jorge.

"No, there's no time we better hide." Said Eduardo
"We can't just leave Arnold to La sombra." said Jorge unease by the idea.
"I'll warn Arnold, you hide." Suggested Eduardo.

Eduardo stood up and sneaked out of the house. Jorge was about to hide but instead, he thought about backing up his uncle, in case if he needed help.

"Tio, uncle!?" Jorge called out to him in a low voice, Eduardo had left.

Jorge manage to slipped out of the house undetected and ran towards Arnold's house. He approached the back window and called out to Arnold.

"Arnold!" He shouted in a low tone.

"Jorge, why are you here!?" Asked Arnold.

"La sombra is here in the village!" answered Jorge.

"I know" Said Arnold as he opened the window wide allowing for Helga to climbed out, than he followed.

"How did you know he was here?" Asked Jorge confused.

"I saw him coming"

"Como? How did you saw him!?" Asked Jorge pondering.

"I'll tell you later, where's Eduardo?"

"I don't know, the last thing he said was, that he was going to warn you."

"Guys...." shouted Helga
"When was that?" Asked Arnold to Jorge
"When we where at my house he said...."

"GUYS!" shouted Helga again, she had been on the look out from the side of the house.

Arnold and Jorge tuned to look at her.
"While you two were chatting, Eduardo approached La Sombra to talk to
him or something and now, he's being held with a knife to his Throat." Said Helga nervously.

Arnold and Jorge rushed towards her and saw Eduardo being held by La Sombra.

"ARNOLD, I WILL GIVE YOU TO THE COUNT OF FIVE, TO SHOW YOURSELF OR  I WILL KILL YOUR FRIEND EDUARDO....1.......2!" Yelled La Sombra from the middle of the village.

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