The amulets

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It was a long walked from down town area from where they where ambushed to the bus station that was just outside of San Lorenzo. By the time Arnold, Helga and Eduardo arrived, they were exhausted.

Eduardo's nephew was waiting for them at the station. "What happened tío ? I though you were going to catch a cab to get here?"

Eduardo looked at his watch. "We barely made it. I was going to call a cab but, we rushed out of my apartment. Apparently, someone broke in and trashed my place. On top of it, the cabs in San Lorenzo were full of passengers because the festivity, making it harder to catch a cab."

His nephew was stunned by the news.
"Why would someone trashed your apartment uncle!?"

"That's the least of our problems right now. We were just attacked by LaSombra man. We were about to get kidnap or worst. Good thing Helga arrived on time to back us up, that girl knows how to defend herself." Said Eduardo.

Jorge's eyes widened. "You we're attacked!! Why didn't you call me uncle!? I could have help!"

Eduardo took a deep breath. "Oh si, I was going to pause while fighting to place a phone call. No Jorge, that's not how it went."

"Were you hurt? How's Arnold?"
asked his nephew concerned.

"I'm okay. I was thrown inside a dumpster but I manage to get out and Arnold is over there."

Jorge looked over and saw Arnold taking out a bottle of water from his backpack and giving it to Helga to drink. Jorge gulped the moment he saw her, she looked so beautiful with her long blond hair and her tone figure. "Are you both uncle said you were attacked by LaSombra man?" He asked facing Arnold, but with his eyes on Helga.

"Thanks Jorge we're okay, it was three man and a woman to be exact, but we made it okay just a few bruises." Said Arnold rubbing the back of his neck.

Helga rolled her eyes. "Thanks to me Football head, because the way I see it, Eduardo was behind a dumpster and you, were being chocked."

Jorge walked towards Helga and grabbed her hand. "Ugh. You must be Helga, soy Jorge. I mean I'm Jorge, Eduardo's nephew. My uncle said you back them up during the ambush, that's amazing, did you study martial arts?

"Ummm...Jorge right...well you already know who I am...I guess and yes, I know how to watch my back." Said Helga scratching her head as she shook his hand.

Jorge kept staring at her. "Yes my uncle said you are......"

"My girlfriend." said Arnold while stepping in between them. He grabbed Helga's hand and turned to face her. "We better buy the tickets fast to catch the next bus to the village."

"This way Arnold." Eduardo pointed.

Arnold pulled Helga by her hand to the ticket stand. While Jorge followed his uncle to the bus line.

"What was that about football head?" Helga crossed her harms raising an eyebrow.

"What! I was just introducing you." Said Arnold scratching the back of his head.

"Oh really, I know that look Arnoldo, why do you always think just because a guy wants to shake my hand that his interested on me."

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