The farewell

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The drive back wasn't easy on Arnold, he kept thinking about the unexpected trip to San Lorenzo, the vision he had when he held the rock in his hand, his father's note and the consequences to come for his passionated night with Helga. He was silence most of the way pondering what will the future bring.

Helga didn't want to make him more nervous than what he already was. She kept massaging the back of his head trying to keep him relax and comfortable if that gwas even possible.
"What's so special about that plain rock anyways?...Let me see Football Head, will the rock do the same thing if I hold it?"

"Helga it's best if you don't. What if it burns your hand?"

"I'll be careful,  if it does sting me I'll just let it go, what's the big deal. Come on hang it over,I know it's in your pocket somewhere."

"Helga I don't think that's a good..... what are you doing?"

Helga slide her hand inside his pants pocket searching for the little piece of tissue with the rock inside.
"How big are your pockets Arnoldo. I know you have it in here somewhere."

Arnold began to giggle "Helga your tickling me and you're not going to find it anyways."

She kept searching one pocket after another, feeling his thighs. "Wait Arnoldo are you getting excited over this.... what's this???"
Helga felt a strange bulk in his pants.

"Helga, that's my wallet!"
She laughed "Oh, for a minute I thought it was..."
"Helga come on." He smirked at her.
"Fine Arnoldo.... wait it's inside your wallet isn't."

Helga took his wallet out of his pocket and check the credit card compartments and there it was, a small tissue folded.

"Aha... got it!"
"Helga, be careful with it."
As she opened the tissue exposing the green rock, she slowly began to touch it.
"Nothing it's happening." she said while holding the rock in her hand. Arnold was amaze of how the rock didn't react to her touch.
"Mmmmm....could it be that it only glows with your touch Football head?"

Arnold arrived at her house and parked the truck. "Helga, I need for you to put the rock gently on my hand."

As Helga was about to place the rock on his hand his heart began to accelerate for what he might see.

"There Football Head, Do you feel anything strange?"

He just kept staring at the rock on his hand. "That's strange nothing is happening." He said.
"Maybe you imagine it or maybe you were dreaming about the vision."
"No Helga it really did happen."

Suddenly Bob walked out of the house aggravated.
"Young lady were have you been all night!"
Helga and Arnold got out of the truck quickly.

"Hold your horses Bob, I spoke to Miriam about it this morning."

Arnold walked towards Bob "Mr. Pataki it's my fault. I took her to the beach and I accidentally kept her there all night."

"Accidentally ugh. Well I  hope no other accident happen at the beach Alfred!"
Arnold took a step back with his eyes wide has he gulped, Helga jumped in front of him.

"Arnold...Dad and nothing else happen."  Said Helga raising her eyebrow."Now if you excuse us I need to say good bye to my boyfriend, alone."

"Fine than, but I want you to help me sort some merchandise I bought for the store."
Bob walked back inside the house and slammed the door shut.

"Crimity Football head. Your eyes always tell the truth even if your words don't. I thought my Dad was going to notice you making a guilty face."

Arnold exhaled deeply as he looked down. "It's my fault I shouldn't have....." Helga place her finger on his lips and whispered.
"Shhh....Don't say it football head, we shouldn't feel sorry for our special night, I will always love you no matter what and I will never regret being with you."

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