The eagle spirit

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The beautiful jungle sunrise came with a price that morning. Arnold, Helga and Jorge were surrounded by La Sombra's man at the edge of a one hundred foot drop cliff.

"TAKE THE GIRL AND KILL JORGE!" La Sombra gave the order.

Jorge took a deep breath as he saw a couple of man pulling out their guns to aim at him. He turned quickly to look at Arnold, suddenly without warning he saw them jumped. In a split second one thought run through his mind.
Stay and die or jump to the fate of the river.
Shots began firing at Jorge as he jumped down the cliff, the bullets barely missed him.

"NOOOO!!!DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY!!!!!" Yelled la Sombra furiously, while Eduardo had a soft smile on his face.

On the way down Arnold yelled "DON'T LET GOOO!!!" as he held her hand tight.
The water hit their bodies like a thousand sharp needles, the vicious rapid swallowed them deep into the dangerous depth. Arnold swim towards Helga, as he saw her struggle under the water and help her swim towards the surface. The flowing rapids splash  on their faces continuously making it very difficulty breath.

"ARNOLD!!" Shouted Helga trying to stay at float. "HELGA HANG ON!!" screamed Arnold trying to hold on to her. The violent waters pushed them downstream, while he tried to keep Helga from drowning. The force of the water kept pushing them under the rapids over and over again. "ARNO..." Helga kept taking in water trying to take a breath. "HELGA I'M......HERE" Yelled Arnold trying to hold her up. The sound of strong current in fury, sounded like a terrifying roar underneath the water. He reach out to long tree branches around the river, without success. The intense stream became shallower with sharp rocks all around. As the strong splashing waters continued it's dangerous course over them, Arnold smashed his head on a rock knocking him out cold.

"ARNOLD......STAY WITH ME!!" cried Helga as she tried to kept him from drowning.
The unforgiving rapids dragged Helga, further and further away from Arnold as she was watching him being swallowed by the rapids.
The brutal currents began smashing her against one rock after another. "NO...I CAN'T GIVE UP....ARNOLD!!" cried Helga as she saw another strong wave smashed in to her taking her deeper in to the deadly depths, unable to breathe and stay conscious, she closed her eye.

On the cliff La Sombra was yelling in disappointment to his man. "Five man with guns and no one was able to shoot Jorge!!! And you all let them get away yet again!!! Julio shoot someone useless!!"

"Si jefe!" Answered Julio.

Shots when off...while someone screamed in pain.

La sombra took out a puro to smoke and to think what to do next. His compadre walked up to him worried "La sombra, remember what I told you about the prophesy...we have to be very careful!"

He puffed....

"I know about the promise volcano child." Said La Sombra as he enjoyed his puro.

"I'm not talking about that, the prophecy said anyone who abuses the rock power or challenges the chosen one will feel the... fuego."

La Sombra laughed "The fire....uhh I'm scare....I don't believe in old Indian tales!!!"

The compadre nodded "No más digo, we should take it in to consideration, bueno that's if the boy survive the fall."

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