Silent pain

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All those years he imagine the day his parents would walked through the front door of the boarder house or coming home from school to find them seating in the living room. But never Eduardo. He knew who Eduardo was and how he look like from the pictures, but he never imagine the day, he was going to show up at the boarder house much less eighteen years later after his parents departure.

His mind went blank the moment he saw Eduardo. All those thoughts he had, wondering why his grandfather had called him, disappeared. Arnold was stepping in to new ground, he didn't know what to expect or how he was going to react to what he was about to hear.

"Por Dios Arnold, you're a full grown young man and you look so much like....your parents." Said Eduardo looking straight at Arnold with sad eyes.

Arnold was still stunned his eyes wide staring at Eduardo. For the first time in his life he didn't know what to say. He imagine hundreds of times how it was going to be, the day when he finally visits San Lorenzo and all the questions he would ask Eduardo to know what happen to his parents and now that Eduardo was in-front of him, in his living room, he didn't know what to say.

"Arnold you better seat down. Let's all seat down." Said the grandmother.

Arnold sat on the sofa chair still quiet and shocked. His mind was trying to process the fact that Eduardo was there for a reason and maybe the reason was not pleasant.

His grandfather stared at him scratching his head. "Oh boy, how do I began...Arnold. Eduardo came all the way from San Lorenzo to.....bring us news about...your parents"

News of your parents, those were the key words that jumped start his heart again. Arnold's breathing became heavy, his hands felt cold and sweaty. He was trying to look steady but it felt impossible trying to hide his accelerated chest. His grandmother stood up and walked next to Arnold and place her hands on his shoulders for comfort and support. His grandfather leaned closer to Arnold and grabbed his hands and said.

"Arnold, your parents remains have been found...Apparently they died, many years ago."

Arnold felt a cold chill all over his body, his world had stop for a moment. He knew the possibility of his parents being alive was almost impossible, but still he had hope. He leaned forward placing his hands on his head, with his elbows resting on his knees as he was facing down with his eyes shut, taking in the devastated news.

"Arnold we are here for you" Said his grandmother as she was rubbing his shoulders.

After a minute Arnold stood up and walked a couple of steps away from his grandparents, with his hands over his head.
" do you know the remains found are my parents?"

Eduardo stood up and walked up to Arnold.
"We found them wearing their green eye medallions and....your father's wallet was next to the body." Eduardo handed Arnold his father's wallet. As he opened the wallet he saw the picture of his parents holding him as a baby during his one year old birthday party.
Arnold's eye began to water "I need some air" he walked out of the boarding house quickly with his father's wallet in his hand.

Arnold POV
The news of my parents death was too much for me. I had to walk out and feel the breeze on my face. I wanted to cry and yell, but I felt more rage than sorrow for knowing after so many years their bodies were finally found.
The moment I saw the wallet I knew it belong to him, the texture, the color it was his wallet. I held it, once it was his, now in my hands. I felt so much anger knowing that's the only thing it came back to me. For so long in the back of my mind, I knew they were probably never coming back. Still nothing prepared me for this. The reality of their death hit me like a thousand knifes in my heart, the agony of this silent pain was suffocating me.
My parents, are...dead. Why!?!? What happen to them? How did they die? Where were there remains found? Was La Sombra involve in their death? Eduardo must know. I looked up at the stars and said "I won't rest, till I get to the bottom of this, I promise Dad."

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