The green-eye city

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The green-eyes city was magnificent to see, there was a large palace in the middle of the city decorated with green emeralds and pink crystals all around and a large chosen-one monument on the front. The tall pyramid made of pure gold stood at the back of the city shining splendidly with the sun. The tropical flowers spread the scent of sweet mystical perfume filling the city with aromatic breeze. The green-eyes were dressed in dark color with fabrics created by cotton. They decorated their attire with feathers and crystal necklaces

The natives noticed the wind blowing in Arnold's direction. The last sunlight of the day shine upon him announcing his arrival.

Everyone bowed down in silence the moment Arnold stood with the great harpy eagle behind him. There was no doubt to the people that he was Yeh cocone den.

An elderly man began trudging towards them. He seemed almost ancient with his long green quartz necklace and green feathers on his long white hair. His steps were steadily using his wood crane, he continued to walk past the people who were bowing and stopped in front of Arnold and Helga.

"Yeh cocone den. I am Naku the shaman of our people the green-eyes. We been expecting your return to our lands."

"You speak English?" Asked Arnold in amazement.

"Yes, the spirits past on the language of the chosen-one to me. Come follow me."

Arnold and Helga look at each other in confusion and followed him. Miles and Jorge walked closely behind them as they walk in to the green-eye city. On the way across the city Arnold was stunned to find so much adoration to his image. The green-eyes had statues and paintings of the harpy eagle with Arnold. They even walked by a large painting on a wall showing the imagine of Arnold and Helga surrounded by green and blue minerals.

"Football head look, how did they got my image?"

"I don't know Helga, I'm as surprised as you are."

The shaman finally stopped at the entrance of a large temple. "Great Yeh cocone den. This is your temple dedicated and built for you."

"Excuse me Naku can my companions come inside the temple with me?" Asked Arnold.

Miles walked up to them shyly. "Naku it's me Doctor Miles. It's been a long time since we last saw each other."

Naku turned to stare at Miles. "I know who you are Doctor, you and your friend may stay at a different temple and wash up, you will be provided with new attire for the celebration. Will meet again tonight to feast and celebrate the chosen-one's return to us after over one hundred years of being away."

"Excuse me what about me?" Asked Helga timid.

"You are Atzimba Tonatiuh-Yolotl" Said Naku staring at Helga's eyes. "That's your title bestowed to you by Yeh cocone den himself many lifetimes ago."

"Mmmm....excuse me but my name is Helga not....."

Miles interrupted "Helga, Atzimba Tonatiuh-Yolotl means Beautiful Princes of the Sun and heart and according to Kanu, you represent that to Arnold the chosen-one."

Helga gazed at Arnold trying to decipher what Naku said about her name.

"Rest Yeh cocone den" said Naku "For tonight we celebrate your return. Your father will come for you and your mate and he'll take you both to the Green-temple to feast and talk, for I know, you have many questions for me."

"Thank you Kanu for allowing Jorge and I to stay at one of your temples." Said Miles with a bow.

Naku raised his hand and said "Do not bow at me, only to Yeh cocone den. You and your friend may follow me Doctor, I'll show you where you may rest."

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