Heroic chase

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Earlier that day.....

Far by the cliff edge where the hanging bridge once was, a forgotten old book laid on the ground.

"Mira, look at this.....can it be the journal the boss is looking for?" Said the man as he pick up the book.

"Give it here!" The other man snatched the book away from his hands.

"Si, it looks like it, how much money do you think the boss will pay us for it?"

"I don't know, but this old book is worth gold to him."

"Look there're some tracks going in that direction....vámonos."

The humidity and heat of the jungle was beating down on Jorge, he saw Helga sleeping by the tree and took the opportunity to try to find fruit and nuts while Arnold was away with his father. Jorge walked for miles tolerating the strong sun. He didn't notice how far away he had wander but he was desperate to find water. Finally, he saw a small water hole and sumerge his water pouch on the fresh cool water.

"I think I traveled too far, well at least I found water, now if I can only find.......what's that?" Whispered Jorge as he heard branches breaking and quickly hid behind a large tree. No those are La Sombra man, damn it! How were they able to followed us this far? He thought terrified by the large machetes they were carrying.

No there heading towards the camp. I must do something!? Or they will capture Helga or worst.....I can't allow that. Though Jorge.

The two individuals pass by the tree where Jorge was hiding unaware of his presence. The moment Jorge saw the opportunity, he jumped on one of them and try to snatch the machete away. The other man got close enough to Jorge almost stabbing him in the back, but he moved fast and was able to get away. He run in the opposite direction from where Helga was.

The two thugs flee after Jorge, crossing through the heavy vegetation and muddy
ground. Even if Jorge was drained from the heat, he was still able to outrun them and hid in between large thick bushes. He peek through the shrubs and saw one of the ruffians walked pass him.

That's strange where's the other guy. He though. He felt as if his heart was inside his throat beating faster with every passing minute. He was exhausted from the chase and terrified to death of being found. He knew if La Sombra had the chance, he was going to kill him without any hesitation. Jorge continue to hide trying to minimized his heavy breathing.
After just a few excruciating minutes, he stood up as quietly as he could and turned around to find someone's fist heading swiftly towards his face. POW!!!

Sometime later, he was barely able to opened his eyes to find his two legs dragging against the ground. As he looked up to see their faces, he was blinded by the sunlight and lost consciousness again.

"Hey muchacho wake up! Levántate!" Jorge felt someone kicking him on his ribs.

"Awwww....where, am I?" Asked Jorge disoriented.

"Get up, we're going to take you to see the jefe."

Jorge stood up feeling sourness in every inch of his body and walked up to La Sombra with the two man who had captured him by his side.

"Jefe we have something for you."

"Excellent!.....This changes everything, now we're a step ahead of them and this time, I will hurt that boy with the woman he loves, just like I did with Doctor Miles." said La asombra as he held the journal in his hands.

"Arnold won't let you lay a finger on her!" Yelled Jorge weakened from the beating.

"Eduardo's nephew...you hijo de perra this time you won't get away" La Sombra assured him.

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