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Alexander has left for Georgia and I'm alone in his house with causal visits from Hercules. The news of the Capture of Savannah has reached newspapers in New York. I wait to read the taunting paper until Hercules arrives after his shift at the tailoring shop down the street.
An hour or so goes by when I hear a knock on the door. I make my way to the door surprised at how early Hercules is. I open the door to a familiar man. One of our neighbors, Vincent stands in front of me holding a newspaper.
"Alaska, so sorry for my bother but have you read the news on the Capture of Savannah?" He asks. Worry fills me as I respond, "Uh...no I was waiting for my friend to read it,"
"There are no names but I worry about Alexander, it was quite disastrous for the Patriots," Vincent tells me. My breath creases as I snatch the newspaper out of his hand and quickly scan the paper.
The Battle of Savannah December 29, 1778, in Savannah Georgia. A British victory between General Robert Howe and Archibald Campbell. 83 American deaths, 11 wounded, and 453 captured. 7 British deaths and 17 wounded.
I stop reading and handed Vincent the newspaper back.
"I'm sorry for rudely snatching your paper," I say quietly. I can feel my heartbeat decreasing as I pray that Alexander, John, and Lafayette escaped.
"It is no bother, we must pray for Alexander's and the other lives," Vincent says calmly.
"Well thank you for informing me of this..." I say at a lost of words.
"No problem. I will be praying," He says as he starts to walk away from the door. As he starts to walk I can see Hercules coming up. The sight of him makes me lose my balance. I crumble under myself as tears stream down my face. I can hear Hercules running to my side.
"Alaska what's wrong?" He asks as he holds my weak body in his.
"He broke his promise," I stutter out.
"How do you know?" He asks me.
"I have a feeling," I cry out. Quickening my breath.
"Alaska you don't know he can be okay," He reassures me.
"I'm going to Georgia," I whisper.
"Your foot, you can't help if your hurt," He tells me.
"I just need to know if they're okay,"
"We will write a letter,"
"They won't respond the camp must be a mess,"
"Alaska I'm not letting you go to Georgia, I promised Alexander to take care of you,"
"I don't care I'm going with or without you," I tell him. He sighs "Fine."
I don't even bother to pack, I just stand, shut the door behind me, and get into a carriage to take me out of New York. We are out of New York and we make our way all the way to Georgia hitchhiking with other settlers. It takes us a full day to get to the campsite. I enter the tired camp looking at the sick and injured men. People start to recognize Hercules and they all greet him but I pay no attention as I look for Alexander, Lafayette, or John. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lafayette.
"Lafayette!" I scream as I start to run over to him. I ignore the pain in my foot as I see him turn around at the call of his name. His face turns confused as he makes his way over to me. We met halfway and he pulls me in tight. I feel tears fall down my face as I melt into his embrace.
"What are you doing here?" He asks in his thick French accent and tightening his grip on me.
"I had to know you were okay?" I say through tears. I hear him let out a deep laugh as he says "Don't worry I wasn't in the Battle of Savannah neither was Alexander," I finally breathe in relief.
"Wait...John?" I say as I pull out of our embrace. He takes a deep breath before replying "He was in the battle but he is safe. He's a lucky man,"
"Was he injured?" I ask.
"Just his pride. He was given a command that failed,"
"Good...well, I mean good he's safe not his pride,"
"I know Alexander will be furious when he hears of you being here," Lafayette states.
"I don't care I wasn't going to wait for a letter!" I reply. We were quiet for a little until I hear quite an angry attempt of my name "AlASka," I turn around slowly to be met with Alexander his face red and I can see his steam.
"Why are you here? It's not safe the British can come anytime," He says through grunts.
"I wanted," I start when I'm cut off "Why didn't Hercules listen to me!"
"I made," I say when he starts "Your foot is still injured and you are in more danger now!"
"I know," I say when Alexander starts to cut me off so I scream on top of him "Let me speak!" He shuts his mouth so he can scowl at me.
"I came here so I can see if my friends were okay! I am not staying and I made Hercules take me so do not blame him for this," I finally say.
"You could have been caught on the way here!" He tells me finally lowering his voice.
"And you could have been caught in battle," I snap back.
"I wasn't even in the battle," He scoffs.
"Well, how would I have known?" I ask him.
"You should have written a letter,"
"Yeah and then camp out by the mailbox until you return my letter, that could have been weeks of not knowing. I have my answer and I am satisfied!" I tell him. I hadn't noticed the crowd of men surrounding us. Until I could hear small whispers "Wasn't she the girl that got shot?" I quickly become uncomfortable speaking in front of all these men about this with Alexander.
"Can we talk in your tent?" I whisper to Alexander. He becomes surprised until I assume that he notices the crowd.
"Follow me," He tells me as he starts to walk away.

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