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Valley Forge is a nightmare everyday feels colder then the one before. Even worse we are running out of food and supplies. Sickness has gone up so much that I'm always working now. Since, I'm one of the only nurses that went to medical school I'm valuable to them.
It's been a few days after I met Alexander and our uncomfortable meeting haunts me. Today, was the day they get home from one of their battles. I cleaned up the clinic for the sick to come in and I waited. It's all you can really can do. I cleaned for an hour or two when I heard screams from outside. I rushed out of the clinic and into the freezing air. A smile plants itself on my face as I set my eyes on Lafayette and Alexander. Happiness is all I feel knowing there home and safe.
     Lafayette turned toward me with a horrifying look of fear in his eyes and that's not something you would see often from him. His eyes are searching the area until he spots me in front of the clinic.
"Alaska! Hurry," He yells to me. In this overpowering voice, a voice that curls my insides. I make my way over to them faster than ever before, in the freezing snow.
     Even before I'm half way there I can see John Laurens being carried by four men with Lafayette and Alexander by his side. His blood was spilling out into the pure white snow. When I reached John's side all I could see was his blood covering his weak body. I feel a piece of fear stab at me in the side, I couldn't breathe.
"Alaska," Lafayette whispers with fear. I look and all I could see was agony.
"Um...okay! Follow me and give him the closest empty cot," I say turning around back to the clinic. They set him down on a cot. I touch his neck searching for a pulse. Finally fining it but it was fading fast.
"Lafayette, come with me and help me get supplies," I instruct. Looking back at John, I realize he'll bleed out if I leave him here. I look up and I see Alexander next to me.
"Alexander?" I ask under my breath as I validate my options. He turns to me confused and quite angered.
"I need you to help me...on his stomach I need you to add pressure to stop the bleeding but if you press to much you will risk lunching the bullet further inside him," I ramble. His face is nerve racked and I know I can't explain in time.
His coat was off, his shirt was ripped, and untucked. Knowing, I can't explain with words I without thinking lift up his shirt exposing  some of this bare skin. On the right side of his stomach I press my warm hand onto his icy body. I place my other hand on his back. As I press my body against him. My hand digging into his skin. I hope he understands my demonstration so I'm not wasting time. His face turns red as I realize on how close we really were. I let go of him leaving my once warm hand cold. My face heats as I try to get out my words.
     "That much pressure." I stumble out. He nods quickly and turns towards John. He follows my demonstration onto John by placing his hand on top of his bleeding stomach.
     I run with Lafayette to grab the medical supplies as Alexander is still holding John's stomach. Making our way back to John. I'm next to Alexander with all my supplies and he lets go of John. I unbutton John's shirt fast, practically ripping off his buttons, so I can get to the wound.
     The guys start to hover over me while I search for the bullet. After a few seconds of digging I find the sliver bullet next to his spleen. Steadily, I pull out the metal in lodged into John's body. John tries not scream as I pull out the agonizing bullet. The bullet is out, placing it on the table next to me. I start to stitch his wound when John starts to uncontrollable cough. I look up and blood his pouring out his mouth and nose.
"No, no, no," I say under my breathe.
"What! What's wrong?" Alexander asks in fear. I don't say anything and he asks again. Looking up at him with such anger I spit "Be quiet," He does as I say and I continue.
"Are you sure you know what your doing?" He asks moments later.
"Be quiet," I warn again. He backs off and continues to watch. I can hear him pacing when I get John on his side. Suddenly, his body starts to shake and the coughing gets worse.
"Seriously," I whisper. Blood is pouring out of his mouth and his seizure starts to break the stiches I had just done. I fix my stance so I can hold his wound still while he trashed around violently. We all stand there in silence until Alexander loses it.
"Your not helping him, If you can't help him. Get someone else who can," I shoot him a glare while I still hold John.
"Alaska, this has gone on for to long," He yells at me. I've done a great job of not crying up until now. Tears pour from my eyes and my breath quickens. "Get out," I mumble through air gasps.
"I can't hear you?" He spits.
"Get out," I scream as tears stain my face. All the other nurses and patients have just been watching us until now. I can hear them shuffling over towards us.
     "Get him out," I yell to Lafayette who as been quietly watching us from a chair in disbelief. He grabs Alexander's shoulder and escorts him out of the clinic.
     John finally stops shaking and I lay him back down on to the bloody cot. I clean his wound with alcohol incase of infection. John is still groaning in pain but stays still under my orders. I finish his wounds as he drifts off to sleep. I'm dripping in his blood as I walk out of the clinic to where Lafayette and Alexander are.
"Is he alive?" Lafayette asks. I shake my head not really knowing as my body is exhausted. He starts to walk towards the clinic. Grabbing the last peace of energy I had, I stop him.
"No visitors. He's unstable and asleep,"I say. Lafayette shakes his head in agreement and I start the walk back to my tent leaving a trail of blood behind me in the snow. I change into clean clothes.
     Sitting on my floor with my back against the bed. I try to rub off the dried blood from my hands. I feel tears fall down my face.
Someone knocks on my door "Go away," I yell at the wooden door. A few seconds go by and the door slowly opens. Alexander is standing there with a barrel of water.
"Alaska," He whispers. "Out," I yell back. He walks in with the barrel ignoring my protest.
"Get out Alexander. I want to be alone," I say with exhaustion. He sits down in front of me setting the water next to him. God he's annoying he does not obey anybody except John...John always new how to calm him.
"Please just this once leave me alone," I beg. He carefully reaches out for my arm, touching it softly. He dips my bloody arm into the freezing water, blood runs off of it. 
     "I'm so sorry," He finally saysI have been looking at, my light grey dress I had priorly put on before, he had come inside. 
"I was so overwhelmed with John, I went to far," He recites. He drops my clean arm and reaches for my other one. He finishes washing all the blood off of me. When he finishes I look up at him.
     His eyes are a violet-blue and they dilate when he we lock eyes. He strokes my blonde hair, slowly combing through it. His hands end up on the low of my back pulling me closer to him making my breath ceases to exist. I slowly rap my arms around his neck, still keeping our eyes locked in an enchanting trance. I inch closer to him closing more space between us.
     Now are noses are touching and I can feel his warm breath. My breath quickens as I shyly chew on my bottom lip nervously. Not knowing his intentions he slowly tilts his head to the right my body freezes and my eyes snap shut. I feel his lips graze mine. I let out my last breath when our lips collide. Synchronized with each other, our lips mimic our heart beats, fast and quicken.
    We both rise to our knees pressing are body's together as the room quickly heats leaving the deafening cold air outside. One of his hands rises up from my lower back up to my face. His fingers interlock into my hair as his palm cups my jaw. His hand is still holding my head while the other one is holding my back. We slowly dip onto the ground. Laying with him towering over me he lets his hand run through the rest of my hair.
     Suddenly, a series of explosions strike my door. I unlock my lips from Alexander's as I turn my head towards the wooden door. With my head turned, he carefully drops his head in between my neck and shoulder where he rests there. His breaths are warm against my cold skin. I turn towards him again ignoring the door. A smile grows on my face as I slowly pull out his neatly done ponytail. I can hear a quiet laugh escape him as his hair falls over his face.
     "I've never seen you without your hair up," I whisper as I run my fingers through his soft auburn hair. He brings his head up, with a roguish look on his face. He states playfully "Your the first in the colonies."
     "I guess I'm lucky then...I prefer your hair down. It makes you look wiser," I whisper. He moves in so our lips touch once again.  
    "Alaska!" I hear a booming but familiar voice yell from outside. Lafayette? I pull away again so I can look at the door.
    "Lafayette, I'm not in the mood for company," I yell. Turning back to Alexander so we can kiss once more.
    "We need you at the clinic," He states but Alexander and I don't break away. "It's John he's seizing," Lafayette finishes. This time Alexander and I both pull away. I hurry out from under him and off the floor. I the open the door slightly so Lafayette could only see me and not Alexander who was still on the floor.
    "You need to get to the clinic. Have you seen Alexander?" Lafayette asks me.
    "Um," I look back and he shakes his head. "No sorry," I say as I close the door and we start to sprint in the snow.

Valley Forge (Alexander Hamilton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now