33 (Alexander's Point of View)

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"Happy 3rd birthday Philip," I whisper to myself as Nathaniel Pendleton and Davis Hosack row me across the Hudson River. We arrive seaven mintues before 7:00 AM where Aaron Burr, William P. Van Ness, and Matthew L. Davis are waiting for us.
Nathaniel had won the choice for poistion and which second should start to duel so I picked the upper edge of the ledge. It faced to beauiful city I had learned to hate throughout the past two years of my life. My loves were gone and I was left with Burr and Jefferson always kicking my ass and tortureing me. I'm done with this pain I feel. So, before I left this morning I paid a vist to Phillip Brown. Who is now 19 years old. I asked him to do me a favor and I trust him to fulfill my wish for him to switch his last name from Brown to Hamilton to keep my legacy going. I am trusting Phillip with my legacy and I don't have a doubt in my mind that he will mess it up.
I stand tall in my position looking at Burr. I fiddle with the trigger examineing it making sure that my plan will work. This was for Alaska and Philip. Burr had serectly disrespected Alaska calling her a whore and saying my one and only blood son deserved to die. So I threw back at him a journal entry of defamation of Burr's character. He decided to offer a duel and who am I to refuse such an offer. I had planned for the duel to be on the day my son was born, died, and the day my wife died. I wanted this day to go down in the hsitory books. So everone will know the day July 11. The day the beloved Alexander Hamilton will die along with his wife two years before him and his son year before her.
Burr looks nervous so to intimidate him even more I put my bottle-cap glasses on. The ones Alaska loved years ago. It was quite selfish to put Burr in this position, to make him so infuriated at me that he wants to kill me but also he shouldn't have talked about my family like that.
I look Burr in the eyes but I aim higher. I summon all the courage I require as I wait for the impact.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 pace and fire
I fire higher and Burr's fired right towards me. I smile to myself as I'll finally get to see my son and wife. My mother, Washington, and Laurens. My cousin I'll see him too. Maybe I'll meet Alaska's mother?
Burr my first friend my enemy can not be the last face I see so I look up to the sky. It was bright in the morning and the birds chrimped as if nothing was happening here. A man was not dying right now to them just another wonderful day of flying.
Legacy. My legacy is all in the hands of Phillip. I wrote a letter explaining how Phillip was actaully was my son and not Mr. Brown's. I know Amelia will be okay with it once Phillip explains. Rose and Lafayette are together happy and they will live long fulfilling lifes. I told them to go into my old bedroom and look under the bed. I wrote a letter for them explaining how I want them to live how I planned to live with Alaska. I had everyday planned out so I can make sure she was the happiest she could ever be. We died to lsoon to fulfill it but I made sure the a wedding was involed and I already prepaid for there wedding. It will be on December 14, 1804 the same day Alaska and I got married.
I wrote one last letter and it is for Burr. It explains all of my plan. Like how I used him so I can finally be at rest. Finally be peaceful. I have never wanted something so much and now that I have it I am blissful.
Well, I was blissful until the bullet ripped through my skin, entering my lower abdomen above my right hip. The pain was horrible but I smiled through it. Burr came close to me before he was ushered away. I was rowed back across the Hudson.
I arrive in my bed where I see Eliza and Angelica waiting for me. After, her death they had pounced on the opportunity to become very close to me. I had never cared to much but they were great shoulders to cry on. Rose and Lafayette emerge into the room and I smile at them. Rose holds my letter and I chuckle lightly as pain strikes me.
"You found it," I say quietly. Rose puts the letter to her heart and reaches her other hand into mine. She squeezes it tightly.
"And we will follow it for you. I promise you that," Rose tells me. I nod slightly.
"Mon amie, how could you do this?" Lafayette asks me.
"For her. I said to you the day I met her that I would do anything for her. Even if it coasts me my life," I say quoting myself from years ago. His eyes widen at the sudden memory.
"Wow, that was a long time ago, non," Lafayette asks.
"Yes, but it feel like yesterday," I tell him.
"It sure does," He agrees. I close my eyes and breath deeply in pain. I then hear the sound of footprints so I open them to see Phillip Hamilton holding my letter.
"Pops," He says quietly. Everyone turns to him shocked but I just smile.
"Son, Phillip come here," I say, He walks to my bedside with my letter.
"Publish that letter for me. Won't yah?" I ask.
"Anything for you Pops," He says, "Say hi, to mom for me." I laugh at his words as I rememeber young Phillip Brown calling Alaska his mom. Now he is man and is called Phillip Hamilton. I am so proud of him.
My breathing starts to get uneven and I feel it's time to say my last words. I want people to remember my words.
"I will be reunited with the ones I love, finally." I mutter in pain. 49 years was long enough for me. I slowly feel myself lift from my body. I turn to see my friends...I mean my family crying for me. I see a flash of light and I follow it. There stands my Alaska and my son. I feel tears come to my eyes to finally see him grown. Behind them appears my mother and cousin. Then to their left appears John Laurens and Washington. Washington had a beauitful woman on his side. She looked just like Alaska. I walk forward to them and all my families cries fade away as I join the light.

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