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     Another week had gone by since I first woke up. I had been staying at the Brown's house helping with the chores. Phillip, Amelia, and I have all gotten rather close and today was Phillip's 5th birthday. He is so young but also very smart and wise he reminds me of Alexander. Amelia throughout the week keeps trying to get me to at least write one of my friends. So I write to Lafayette...

Dear, Lafayette
I embrace this opportunity to communicate a few sentiments to you as well as inform of the Joy I will receive when you read this letter. I don't want to have anyone worrying over my health as I am fine. More than fine I am superb! I am staying in a small cabin in South Carolina with a mother and her precious son Phillip. He is the light of my day and I can only hope my son or daughter one day will bring me as much joy as him. He calls me mom while he calls his real mother mum. He humors me with his creativeness and his quick wit. Anyway, enough about Phillip as I could write hundreds of words about him. I have decided to write to you so you know I am healed but I will not be coming back to war. It is better for everyone if I stay away. It hurts me to not see your pleasing smiles anymore. Please tell John for me that I will miss his upbeat personality and Hercules his wise words. I will miss you Lafayette for many reasons you were my first friend. Lastly, tell Alexander I wish him all my love as I could keep him alive with it all. He won't understand but I'm helping him by not being there for him. I want him to rise up. I will miss you all,
Your dearest friend, Alaska Eden  

     I sent that about a week ago but no response. I'm not waiting for one though I don't expect a letter. I think over the words I had written while I walk out to our mailbox. I open and receive all the letters. I look through them slowly until I find I letter marked with Lafayette's stamp. Oh God I think to myself as I make my way back inside. I open Lafayette's letter quickly and I start to read...

Mon Cheri, Alaska
     My heart can finally beat knowing you are safe and happy. Unfortunately, I can accept your request in leaving. Alaska ever since you left Alexander has been gone he only comes back at night to get drunk then as soon as the sun has risen he is gone. I'm sorry but he won't stop, Hercules is worried sick and Alexander won't talk to him. John I'm afraid is always distracted and it's showing in his battles. Washington has been oddly distracted and upset by your absence. I am trying to keep everyone together but it is no use. I am happy to for you in South Carolina but I'm afraid we are failing over here without you.
-Your humble servant, Lafayette
     I put his letter down and sigh. I can't go back it's better If I don't.
     "What's wrong?" I hear Phillip say as he limps over with his crutches.
     "Oh nothing Phillip," I say as he sits next to me.
     "If you tell me what's going on I'll tell you why I have crutches," He says quietly. I was always interested into knowing why Phillip was crippled but I never asked.
     "Okay Phillip. My friend Lafayette sent me a letter telling me how much they need me back at camp but I just can't Phillip I can't It's better if I don't," I say.
     "Oh...Well I'm crippled bc after my father died my mum was depressed so she left Britain and came to the colonies. On the ship ride my mom gave birth early and my leg wasn't fully devolved," He says as he rolls up his pants exposing his undeveloped leg.
     "Oh Phillip I'm so sorry,"
     "It's okay mom," he says as he leans into an embrace. Then, there was a knock on the door.
     "I'll get it," I yell to Amelia who was baking for Phillip's birthday in the other room. I stand up and walk over to the door.
     I open the door revealing Alexander with his messy brown hair. His violet-blue eyes had bags under them. His hair was everywhere.
     "Alas," He starts when Phillip screams "Mom!" as I hear his crutches slip on the floor and a loud thump. I run to him kneeling down next to his body.
     "Are you okay sweetie?" I ask as I help him off the ground. He is holding his elbow.
     "My elbow!" He says as tears build up in blue eyes.
     "Amelia!" I yell to the other room as I picked up Phillip placing him on the couch. Amelia met me there with a heated washcloth for his elbow.
     "Who was at the door?" She asks.
     "Ah I forgot," I say I make my way back to Alexander. I walk out the door and close it behind me.
     "Mom?" He asks with worry in his voice.
     "I'm not his real mom he just calls me that. Amelia is his mom," I say as I lean against the door. He smiles and says "Oh," We stand in silence for a while.
     "What are you doing here Alexander?" I ask.
     "I had to find you," He says.
     "Didn't Lafayette read you my letter?" I ask.
     "Yeah he did but Alaska I had to find you,"
     "How did you even find me!" I said raising my voice.
     "Well you said you were in South Carolina with a mom and son so I asked around," He says quietly.
     "Alexander! You were knocking on doors for me!" I yell at him.
     "Well what was I suppose to do!" He yells back.
     "You were suppose to let it go! Like I told you to do," I yelled.
     "You promised me you wouldn't leave me! I've lost to much to lose you too," He yells.
     "Sometimes it's better for someone to leave," I spit at him.
     "Why? All I could think of was you being hurt or taken or I don't even know. That's why I had to find you,"
     "Well I'm fine so leave," I yell with a small tear in my eye.
     "Why are you so against us?" He screams at me.
     "Your going to leave me!" I screamed before I can stop myself. God damn it! Phillip was right. I can feel my tears falling.
     "Why would I leave you?" he asks quietly. He steps closer to me putting his hand on my chin. He guides my head up to look at him. He wipes a tear from my face as I answer "Everyone leaves me, The world is against me! This is a horrible world and it will never let me be happy!" I reply as more tears stream down my face.
     "I feel that way too but you are the only good in my life and I'm not letting you go," he says quietly. I smile at his response.
     "Come on you need a woman with money and a title," I say.
     "No I don't I need a woman like you someone who is amazing, smart, beautiful, and utterly perfect. I am so lucky to have you in my life,"
     "No I'm none of those I am a weak, ugly, and a mess of a woman," I say turning my face from him. I turn around away from him. I can feel him hold my waist as he says "Never say that! You can't see what I see and it pains me to hear you talk so low of yourself,"
     "It's true I can't do anything good," I say.
     "What do you mean?" He says as he turns me around to face him. "You impacted my life, Lafayette's, John's, Hercules's, even Washington's, and this family. Alaska that little boy has know you for a week and he looks up to you like a mother!" He says. I smile a little and he laughs "See you know I'm right!"
     "I don't know," I turn a little to see Amelia watching from the window with Phillip. I laugh as they try to run away from the window.
     "See Alaska don't let your past blind you from reality," He says quietly making me smile.
     "Alaska?" He whispers into my ear, "Can I court you?" I look over to him while a smile.
     "Yes," I say through a laugh. He pulls me into a passionate kiss as I can hear Amelia scream "Phillip it's happening!" I laugh and I pull away from Alexander. We embrace as the door opens with Phillip and Amelia.
     "Hello Alexander. I am Amelia Brown and this is Phillip Brown," Amelia says.
     "It's my birthday today!" Phillip says excitedly. I laugh as Alexander smiles and asks "How old are you turning?"
     "5!" Phillip says as he puts his hand out flat. Alexander laughs as Amelia says "Alexander, we would love to have you join in on our celebrations, you can stay the night here in our guest room with Alaska and tomorrow you guys can get ready for your departure,"
     "Thank you Amelia," I say as I pull Amelia into a hug.
     "Come on I'm not getting any younger here! Let's party," Phillip yells causing all of us to laugh. Phillip takes Alexander's hand and leads him into the house.
     "Wow...you said Alexander was nice to look at but wow...look a that as-" She says when I nudge her to stop as I laugh. Amelia laughs to and we all sit at the table. I was next to Alexander and Amelia with Phillip next to Alexander's side. The rest of the night was filled with games and Alexander told war stories to Phillip.
     I retired with Alexander to the guest room after Phillip went to bed. I got in the bed with Alexander holding my waist close to him.
    "So tomorrow we will be back at war," I say quietly.
    "Well if you don't want to we can go back to New York," He says laying his head in between my neck and shoulder.
    "Um...no we are going back! Washington needs you!" I say.
     "Speaking of Washington. Were you close with him he takes your leaves quite hard,"
     "What do you mean?" I ask.
     "I mean like when you were running out of camp he had a troop go look for you and he was out in the searches himself," He tells me.
     "Well that's weird," I whisper to myself. I feel asleep a few minutes after that falling into a deep abyss of darkness.

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