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    "Happy 1st birthday Philip," I whisper to myself as I lay in my bed. Alexander is gone like always. He is always gone but I stopped caring after about a month after Philip's death. I also have contracted Cholera about six months ago. I haven't really told Alexander yet as I only see him about once a week now. He knows I'm badly ill as that is obvious because of the full puke bucket next to the bed 24/7. Also my small frame and groans that can be heard throughout the mostly empty house. Today, is July 11, 1802. I lay in Alexander's and I bed with a pounding headache and my stomach pain striking.
     The air around me is hot and sticky. I'm sitting here alone with my head throbing forward and back causing me to move with it. I slowly follow the pain lost in my own world as tears slowly fall down my face. I hear the front door open and I jump up from my sitting position the world spins but I don't care. I have a need to see Alexander. I run to the sound of the door, stumbling a bit towards the stairs. I quickly take the stairs and stops when I see Alexander standing at the front door setting his office bag down on to the coffee table next to him.
     He looks up at me with this frown that breaks my heart. It soon turns to a smile as he sees me. I stand there parallel from him. Suddenly, I smell this unforgiving smell fly by me. As the smell inteseifys I start to lose track of where and who I am.
     My eyes start to blur and my eyes start to focus in and out on Alexander. I have this familiar feeling pulling me in and out of a trance as I stand there staring at him. A horrific taste stumbles in my mouth. Rotten egg or something of that sort.
     My heart beats a thousands times as I can't focus or think clearly. My body becomes numb and I have a hard time standing. I look in to his violet-blue eyes as I can't seem to remember anything. Panic raises in my chest as I breathe in and out heavily.
     Bright lights start to flash, there blinding me and I feel myself fall on to the cold hard ground. When I hit the floor my hearing goes shot and a faint annoying buzzing noise fills my ears. Everything suddenly goes black...
    I see green tree. The smell of pines hits my nostrils and I smile. I look over to see my mother and father embracing each other.
     "Alaska," I hear a small boy call from behind me. I turn to see Dylan behind me. My smile widens and run over to him. I stop midway when I hear my mother start to scream and curse at my dad. I turn around to see my father smack my mother harshly. She holds her face and tears stream down my face. I run towards them when everything goes black once again.

     I now see my old childhood house. My old small pink room with all my books in it. My mother was reading me a bedtime story when I hear the sounds of horses. I turn towards my window and I see my father with luggage. He is quickly placing them into the carriage.
     "Mother?" I ask. She looks up from the book and smiles at me.
     "Yes?" She asks calmly.
     "Where's Father going?" I ask. She is slient so I turn to her. Her once warm smile was now a gloomly frown. She quickly runs out of my room and leaves the small book on the floor. I suddenly hear the front door swing open and I look back at the window.
     My mother is outside screaming words I don't understand at the leaving carriage. She falls to the floor and crys into her hands with the left dusk surronding her. Everything goes black again.

     The dim color of the white room where my weak mother lays. She has bags under her eyes and the palest skin I have ever seen. She as a throw up bucket by her.
     "Darling, I love you so much, never forget that?" She says calmly.
     "Don't leave me mother! Don't leave me like father," I cry. She holds my hand and grips it tightly. I look up to her with tears, her peaceful brown eyes resure me that she's not leaving me.
     "Mon enfant, I will never leave you like he did! I promise you that. Even if I am gone physically I will never leave you spiritually," (My child) She tells me.
     "Thank you mother," I tell her quietly.
     "I will always protect you," She says, "I promise." Her breathing slows but her eyes never close.

     I feel the feeling of rocking on a ship. I look up to see a bright blue sky and a calm ocean. I turn my head to the left to be met with Lafayette.
     "Mon amie were you not listening to me?" He laughs. I shake my head in a 'no' form and I laugh with him.
     "I'm sorry, the sky was just so blue," I say. The words rolling off my tongue like honey. He smiles at me and looks up. He hums in satification and I close my eyes and listen to the sweet tune he hums. Soon, he adds words to the tune and I start to quietly sing with him.
     "Alouette, gentille Alouette, Alouette, je te plumrai,"(Lark, nice lark, Lark, i'll pluck you) We both sing in harmony together. We smile together as we contiune the childhood song.

     "Alaska come on!" Alexander yells at me. I snap my head back at him to see him in his uniform with some gunpoweder on his cheek. I knew we were being attacked but I couldn't let the injured be left. So I stayed.
     "Alaska! We need to get you to saftey! There gonna blow up the place," Alexander yells at me.
     "I'm not leaving without them," I say as I attempt to help Harold on to my side. I then walk over to get Ron on my other side. Alexander sighs as he helps up the other two injuged men. We then descend from inside the medic tent. We walk for miles with the sounds of gunshots behind us. We hurry through the forrest for hours, lost beyond belief.
     "I'm sorry you shouldn't stayed with the troops they need you," I say quietly.
     "No, I couldn't focus on anything until I knew you were safe," Alexander says. I smile at him as keep limping with Harold and Ron.
     Now, all I see is darkness. Until a blindly light appears. I see Philip...He is grown up but I know my son anywhere. He is so beauiful with the Godly light behind him. Small freckles are kissed onto his delicate skin.
     "Ma," He says. Tears flow down my face. His voice sounds so much like Alexander's it gives me chills.                     
     Everything is dark once again as I feel myself lift out of my own body. I watch Alexander on the floor next to me. His face is bright red and tears are streaming down his face. I can't hear his words but I can tell he is yelling. I sit next to him and I wrap myself around him trying to confront him. My body is uncontrolledly shaking and I'm murmuring words that even I can't put together. Drool falls down my face fast and rapid. My eyes are just staring at him with no emotion just staring with an emptiness in his horror filled eyes. My chest is jumping up and down as my arms and legs jerk around kicking anything close to me. Oddly, I don't kick or push Alexander away though. My lips are smacking together fast and hard. My face is flush as my whole body is covered in sweat.
     A man rushes into my house and starts picking up my dead-looking body. Out of the corner of my eye I see a bright white flash. I turn to it to see a bright white light flashing for me. Philip and my mother stand there. My mother had Washington on her side and they were holding hands. Washington had died earlier in the year right after Philip's death. I then see John Laurens and John my step brother hand and hand.  I walk towards them barely looking back at Alexander who's next to my body. Tears down his face as he screams at a man in a black suit.
      "I love you Alexander...I'll see you on the other side," I tell him. It repeats back in my head as I see my shaking body whisper it to him. He runs over back to my body. Suddenly, I can hear his words, "No you promised to never leave Alaska! Back when I was leaving for war you swore!" He yells as he grips onto my dress. He was breathing deep, unable to breathe. 
     "I'm not leaving you. I promise you that," I say to him.
     "I love you so much, tell my son I love him," He says quietly putting his forehead to my body.
     "He knows that. Je t'aime aussi," (I love you too) I tell him. He holds my hand shaking his head in a 'no' like form. I kept walking towards the light. I walk through it and I hear the buzzing sound drift away...

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