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"Finally Lexi put a ring on it. Huh?" Phillip asks me as he limps into the living room. Amelia and him have just gotten home from there night adventure in New York.
"Ah and why should I tell a nine year old my love life?" I ask him smiling. Phillip sits next to me placing his crutches on the side.
"Well I am the one who helped plan it all! I think I deserve an answer," Phillip argues.
"Well if you have to know...He did!" I say as I hold up my hand to show where my ring sat. He smiles as he examines the ring.
"Damn Alaska!" He yelled. I squint my eyes, "Phillip! What did I say about that word! Your a nine year old. You have so much time to curse why start now?"
"Oh come on mom! It ain't even that bad of a word!" Phillip whines.
"It's bad enough!" I scold.
"But Lexi started cursing at seven!"
"I don't care! Phillip just because Alexander swears does not mean you can."
"Ugh!" Phillip sighs. I tilt my head as I watch him sink into the couch before huffing out a, "Sorry." I pretend I couldn't hear him and say, "Um what was that?" He sighs louder before throwing his arms up.
"I'm sorry okay!" He yells in defeat.
"There we go," I laugh as he rolls his eyes at me.
"Oh, come on Pip! Let's have a good day. Since Alexander is at school and Amelia is tired let's go out just you and I." I suggest.
His eyes brighten as he asks, "Really! Just me and you?"
"Of course! Let me get ready and we will leave," I say while getting off the couch and making my way over to the stairs. I see Phillip start to dance out of excitement and I laugh. He was one amazing kid. He just brightens up everyone's life. I can tell Alexander loves him as much as I love him.
I reach Alexander's room...our room and I slip in. The bed was messy from Alexander and I's rest. I carefully make the bed tucking in the white corners while humming a quiet tune. I finally finish making the bed and I turn to the small desk in the front of the room.
I see a huge stack of letters address to me. I decide Phillip can wait another few minutes so I can catch up on all the latest news and gossip. I grab the stack of about 15 to 20 letters and I start to read through. Most of them we letters from my friends telling me about the recent gossip in the town. Like how Angelica Schuyler had married John Barker Church and moved to London. There were rumors that both Angelica and Eliza Schuyler had a thing for Alexander but it seems they have moved on as I have also heard of Eliza is being engaged to some aristocrat from upstate.
There is another rumor that the youngest sister Peggy Schuyler was having an affair against her husband Stephen Van Rensselaer but who am I to judge I do not know these people. So I past over the gossip until I see a letter from Lafayette. My heart skips a beat. I quickly open the letter opening it up and reading it over,

Mon chou, Alaska

Twill be an honor mon amie (my friend) to see you again as France is belle (beautiful) tis yours and Alexander's presence are greatly missed by yours truly. I envie (desire) to see America again and leave the world of war. I do miss your plein de vie (full of life) personality keeping me positive as I can feel my happiness and passion slipping away. While, fighting I can see the anges (angels) waiting for me. The sun is only a chatoyer (shimmer) now. I feel dépaysement (the feeling of being in a different country) and I loathe it. So I have the plaisir (pleasure) to tell you after the war Adrienne, Georges Washington de La Fayette, Anastasie Louise Pauline du Montier de Lafayette, Marie Antoinette Virginie Montier de la Fayette, and Henriette du Montier de La Fayette will be moving to America. I will see you soon mon chou.

Marquis de Lafayette

I smile at his letter. He is finally coming back. Well after the war, with his kids. Damn four kids with some long ass names. I quickly write him back explaining everything that has happened in the past few days. I especially mentation my engagement with Alexander.
I have one last letter which is written by Washington seven weeks ago. Which isn't surprising so I open the letter quickly scanning over it until I see the word My dearest and last son as passed. My heart stops John...Phillip burst through the door and I hide the letter.
"Come on mom! What's taking so long!" He whines. I force a smile on my face and blink away my tears.
"So sorry Phillip just let me get changed and I will be down in a few minutes," I rush out as I carefully drop the letter into the garage bin behind me. Phillip smiles and leaves the room. As the door closes my tears spill down my face rapid and fast. I don't stop to cry though. I promised Phillip I would take him around town and that I will do.
So I walk over to my trunk with tears flowing down my face. I put on a simple off white and pink stripped dress. I loosely pull on my corset for I am having hard enough time breathing from my tears without the corset breaking my ribs.
I meet Phillip at the door with the biggest smile and no more tears. We make our way down to central New York.
"So Pip where do you want to go?" I ask him sweetly.
"Can I meet your dad?" He asks abruptly. I stop walking in shock and he simply turns around with a innocent smile.
"Um sure why not," I say as I slowly start to walk to Washington's office.

I walk up to Rebecca Smith, Washington's secretary.
"Hello Becky! Can I speak to Washington? Pip over here wants to meet the 'big man'," I joke. She laughs a little before she starts, " Of course he will be free in about ten minutes." I smile and say a "thanks," before going to sit down when Becky calls out, "Oh sweetie I was expecting to have you come sooner especially after hearing of the tragic news of your brother. I know President Washington was heartbroken you never came to visit."
"I have only just received his letter this morning. The news breaks my heart but I am trying to get through it that's what John would of wanted," I say quietly. She smiles and nods. I join Phillip in the waiting room.
A little while later Becky comes back and directs us to Washington's office. I walk in first with Phillip shying limping behind me. He was so excited to meet him but now he is so shy. How cute!
"President Washington, you have visitors," Becky calls out and knocks on the wooden door. I hear a tired sigh from behind the door and then a weak, "Let them in, thank you Rebecca." She opens the door for us revealing a very tired form of George. He looks up from his paperwork and smiles bring life into the dead room. I smile too and then I can hear Phillip gasp.
"Woah Mr. President tis an honor to meet you!" Phillip exclaims. I laugh as Phillip limps into the room and I follow behind him with Rebecca closing the door and walking back to her desk.
"Ah hello young man it is an honor to meet you. What is your name?" George asks kindly as he takes off his reading glasses.
"Sir, my name is Phillip Brown!"
"Oh Pip your so cute," I cut in as I grab a seat next to them. Phillip face becomes red in embarrassment.
"Alaska!" He hisses at me. Causing both Washington and I to laugh.
"Wow what happened to mom?" I ask him once I stop laughing.
"Nothing! I just forgot?" He rambles.
"Okay Pip," I laugh sarcastically.
"Well Mr. Brown you can call me George," Washington says. Phillip face converts to pure shock.
"Thank you sir it's an honor!" Phillip exclaims.
"Ah what did I say no sir! It's George," Washington explains.
"Oh yes so sorry...George," Phillip replies.
"Well what do I owe the honor of being greeted by my beautiful daughter and brave young man," Washington asks.
"Well actually Alexander proposed to me last night so you should be expecting a wedding invitation soon and well I have just received your letter about John," I tell him. He was smiling all the way up until I mentioned John's name.
"Ah well Alexander finally proposed. Congratulations and well for John I am just trying to survive without him. It's heartbreaking for the kids and Eleanor. I'm sure they would love to see you," Washington says.
"Well maybe I ought to bless them with a visit," I joke.
"Ah maybe you ought," George laughs, "How are you? I know Laurens death was hard for you so how is your brothers going?"
"Better then Laurens that's for sure. I'm just getting by. I'm to happy with Alexander to fall back into my depression,"
"Well I'm glad to hear that. I do expect more visits from you I am quite lonely up in New York without Martha," Washington confesses. My brow furrows.
"Oh did Martha stay in Virginia?" I ask.
"Only to help Eleanor and John's kids while they grief," Washington explains.
"Oh okay. Well when Martha comes back up the New York Alexander and I would love to have you two over. Depends on when she comes back if Pip and his mother Amelia are still staying with us," I say turning to Phillip who has the biggest smile on his face.
"Sounds like a plan," Washington smiles.
"Well it's getting late and Alexander should be home soon and I know you have a lot of work to do so we will take our leave," I politely say. Washington smiles standing up and hugs me. He shakes Phillip's hand and walked us to the door. We left and walked back home with the sun setting behind us.

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