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     It has been two years since the day I found out George Washington's secret. We have become rather close, getting to know each others life throughout the war. We are quite alike it's hard to not see the similarities now. Washington has helping me through my feelings with Alexander. I've barely seen Alexander through the two years. He is always writing and when he's not writing I'm off the battle with the men. We have drifted and we don't even talk anymore.
      John Lauren's, Hercules Mulligan, and I have all become rather close throughout the two years. I finally got to meet Martha Laurens John's wife and Elizabeth Sanders Hercules's wife. Lafayette and I have never really lost touch we are still as close as the day on the boat. Adrienne de La Fayette and Lafayette are married but I can tell Lafayette loves her more then she loves him. He has only been in one other battle through these two years. The Battle of Green Spring in Virginia.
     Today is September 13, 1781 and the men are recovering from the Long Run Massacre. We are back in Virginia when the British attacked our fort. Death count was thirty-two and the raid was horrifying.

     I make my way to John's tent, I'm finally ready to tell him mine and Washington's secret. I haven't told a soul and neither has George. Well besides his wife Martha, she is extremely sweet and has taken me in as her own, along with her son John. Martha's first daughter Patsy, died in 1773 from epileptic seizures. I never got to meet her but Martha and George talk so highly of her. Frances and Daniel her other sons also died the year 1757 but they don't talk about them as often.
     I miss John with all my heart he is such a sweetie and I can't wait for him to visit or maybe I will visit him and his kids. Elizabeth, Martha, Eleanor, and George are the sweetest angels. Elizabeth is five, Martha is four, Eleanor 2, and George only a few months old.
     My thoughts are interrupted by John Lauren's tent in front of me. Should I tell him? What if he uses me for it? No, no it's John he wouldn't do that. I take a deep breath and I walk into his tent. I see John reading a book Critique of Pure Reason on his bed. It is dead silent until I hear a pen drop at John's desk. I turn my head and I see Alexander writing. I can't breathe now.
     "Alaska! Good to see you," John says as he puts his book down. Alexander turns around his hair wildly down and his bottle-cap glasses where about to fall of his face. His face was red from anger or frustration.
     "Hello Laurens, Hamilton," I greet them. Alexander smiles then turns back to his writing.
     "Come on Alex! Stop working and catch up with Alaska. You guys were so close now you guys can't even hold a conversation," John says as he sits up from his cot.
     "No it's fine, actually John I need to talk to you privately," I say quietly fiddling my thumbs in the process.
     "This sounds serious you never use my first name," John says with concern.
     "No, no it's not like super important it's just I'm not suppose to tell anyone but I need to talk about it. Your the only one I can trust, So please," I tell him. Alexander hasn't even flinched from his writing. John nods and we walk outside of the tent and into the woods so no one can hear us.
     "What's wrong?" John asks. I quietly take out my mothers letter that Washington had let me borrow. He watches my hands fiddle with the letter until I hand it over to him. He takes it from my hand and starts to read it. His face is blank the whole time reading it. His eyes look up and we lock our eyes. I feel my eyes begin to water and John pulls me into a tight embrace. I let out a sob as he rubs circles into my back.
     "Hey, it's okay," John whispers to me.
     "I can't believe George Washington is," I cut him off "Shh! No one can know,"
     "I know, I know we need to keep you safe," He says quietly.
     "Thank you Laurens," I say as we pull away from the embrace. We lock eyes again and he wipes my tears away.
     "Of course! You can tell me anything. I will make sure you are always safe," He tells me.
     "Thank you," I repeat.
     "I need to ask you something?" John asks me.
     "Do you still love Alexander?" He asks. I am taken aback by this.
     "Um-well...I don't-know," I stutter out. He quietly laughs.
     "He misses you, he just won't tell you. It gets annoying when he is up all night ranting about you," John confesses to me.
     "Oh for two years?" I ask in utter shock. I never stopped loving him I just learned to deal with the heartache. It wasn't really anything we just drifted and I deeply missed him.
     "Yes," He says with a smile.
     "Wow," Is all I can say. He smiles and leads me back to his tent but when he opens it Alexander is gone and his letters were taken.
     "He is probably with the general," John says coldly.
     "Yeah probably. It's fine I have work to do anyway," I say as I turn around and walk to the clinic. John doesn't go after me but I know he is upset for me.

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