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September 28th, 1781 we march our way into New York. I peek out of the medic tent and I see Alexander marching proudly next to Washington's side. I smile as I return back into the tent and set up the cots. I hear Washington scream Attack and that's when the sound of gunshots started. The Earth shakes under me from all the men marching. This battle feels different then the others. This will be our last fight!
A week of fighting and men are in and out of the medic tent constantly. October 19th, I go out on a search party with another nurse, Caroline. We run across the field dodging bullets left and right. I search for Alexander, Washington, or Hercules. I know Lafayette was in Chesapeake Bay and John Laurens was in South Carolina but I worry about them.
     Out of the corner of my eye I see a man laying limp in a colorful field. I rush to his side only to see him struggling to breathe. I attempt to stop the bleeding for the man in front of me. I look up at his pale face, he had bags under his eyes and he looked miserable but he had the biggest smile plastered on his face. Tears fall down as he quietly laughs.
     "Sir, I can't help you here!" I tell him as I try to pick him up.
     "No, no," He says with a hoarse voice. He continues "My time is over but I will be cheering you from beyond. Win this war for us, I have-a feeling you will save us all,"
     "No sir, I'm just a nurse," I tell him as I still struggle to pick him up.
     "No you will change this country for us all," He whispers to me. He gives me one last smile until I feel his breathing cease and his eyes slowly close. His body falls out of my arms as his body became surprisingly light.
  "Oh God," I whisper out. Tears fall as I replay his words. How was I going to change the country? Just then I look up to see the burning sun when I see a familiar face. Someone I thought I'd never see again. Charles Cornwallis. Memory's of him flood into my head as I study his face.
My mother has just died and I was now an orphan. I had been assigned to be put into Noel's care. He was having me shipped to a new part of France. A small town unlike Paris where I grew up. I was doing my daily chores that Noel forced me too. One day while in town a saw a man wearing a British general coat. I thought maybe I can escape with him to Britain even if I had to be their whore. So I got up the courage to talk to him.
     "Well hello, kind sir," I flirted with my French accent present. He turned towards me with disgust until he saw the cut and bruises on my face (Which I forgot about my beating from last night).
     "Miss, Who gave you this cuts," He asked with concern. So flirting wasn't going to help but maybe his sympathy will.
     "I'm an orphan and my foster parent gets quite rough," I told him shyly. His face is comforting which eases my nerves. It feels like he actually cares.
     "My dear, this is simply not okay," He tells me.
     "I know I just need away out of France! Can you help me?" I ask him. He thinks it over.
     "I may be able to help," He says with a smile. We soon became rather close to where I would stay at his house during the day while I spent the night with Noel. He would heal my wounds that Noel would leave on me and feed me. He was ten years older than me so I consider him as a Father figure.
     Then one day after a year he had heard of a French ship in the docks heading to the colonies. This was my only chance to leave Noel. So I quit Medical school and he took me to the docks giving me enough money for a small house in the colonies. I haven't seen him since.
I feel tears peak in my eyes. He is standing near his men commanding orders proudly. I get up onto my feet and run towards him. I keep running even when I hear "Alaska! Get back here!" from Washington. I don't stop until I feel my right arm being tightly gripped. I jerk backwards from the strength keeping me away from Charles. I turn around in a panic and I see Alexander's violet-blue eyes first. They were filled with concern and now I am frozen in place.
"Where are you going?" He spits at me. In response I try to escape his grasp as tears fall down my face.
"Let go of me!" I scream. The fighting hasn't stopped and bullets fly past us wildly.
"You can't cross that line!" He yells to me over the screams of injured and enraged men.
"Watch me," I tell him as I lift my right foot into a bloody spot right next to his stomach. Just like John when he shot years ago. He loosen his grip as he cry's out in pain. I run past the line and I feel guns all aimed at me, some fire but none hit me. I feel one graze my shoulder which causes me to trip over my aching feet. I look up and Charles sorrow filled face.
"Don't shoot!" He orders. I rise to my feet and we embrace. He tightly holds me against him in a protective way. He is tying to regain his balance after all the force I have put into our embrace. The sounds of gunshots cease and I just cry into his shoulder. He rubs my back and hums into my ear to calm me down.
"Darling, are you hurt?" He asks me with such worry.
"Surrender," Is the only thing I whisper. He pulls away with confusion plastered on his face. He grabs my arm and pulls me into a empty tent.
"Alaska I can't surrender," He tells me.
"You have to! Come to the colonies with me, I have connections you will be safe I promise," I desperately say.
"Alaska I can't," He sighs pitching the bridge of his nose.
"Please! You took care of me let me help you! You are surrounded so surrender or prepare to loose thousands," I tell him. I see him think it over.
"Alaska! God Damnit," He screams out.
"Come on end this war! For me?" I beg him. He only gives me a small nod and I smile. I walk out of his tent with all eyes on me. I walk back to the side with Alexander and Washington.
"Alaska! What the hell was that," Alexander screams.
"Alaska you could of been shot!"Washington joins in.
"You should be thanking me," I say as I continue to walk away from them. I feel someone grab my arm. It was Washington his face was harsh and honestly horrifying.
"Alaska!" He screams into my face.
"I got him to surrender!" I spit at him feeling my anger rise.
"Sure!" He screams in a sarcastic voice. Right after that I hear all the men quiet down. Then they all start screaming "The World Turned Upside Down!" Washington turns around to see a redcoat waving a white flag. I grin as I hear Lafayette scream "Freedom for America! Freedom for France!" I keep walking away until I feel a pair of hands around my waist. The hands turn me around and I see Alexander. He crashes his lips roughly onto mine. We kiss as I feel his tears fall down his face and onto mine. The only thing I could focus on was the softness of his lips and my bouncing heart. Not the thousands of men celebrating around us. I pull away softly and smile up at him.
"I love you Alaska," He sighs out softly pressing his forehead against mine.
"I love you too Alexander," I say through a smile.
"I thought I would lose you when you walked across that line," He said with more tears falling out of his violet-blue eyes.
"You will never lose me," I smile at him moving my head up so his head would follow. I press my lips against his again and we both melt into the kiss. His hands are on the low of my back so he grips my hips and pulls me tighter against him deepening the kiss.
"Alaska! Alexander!" I hear Lafayette scream over to us. We break and Alexander turns over to his friends who are holding up pints of Sam Adams. I smile as Alexander pulls me to his side keeping his hand around my waist. We make our way over to them. Sharing a pint between the two of us.
The World Turned Upside Down!

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