18 (Alexander's Point of View)

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     The past week has been torturous for me. I have to watch my dearest love sit in her sorrow. I want to help her but how? How can I give her back a life that was not mine? How could I get her back the shining piece of joy that John was? John was special no one could shine brighter then him even on his darkest days. Someone so understanding and caring? So selfless? Before I can even realize I have tears falling. I wipe away my dreaded tears and I get back to my speech I was preparing.
     Alaska thinks I have been working for the past week but little does she now that I have been diligently planning a proposal. I have been writing to Phillip and Amelia to get there ideas and we were almost ready. All I needed to do was get Washington's blessing and Alaska and I can start are life together.
     I've wanted to marry her ever since that day years ago in her tent after John was shot...John he brought us together but now he is driving us part because of our sorrows.
     My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. I start to get up from my desk to answer it when I hear Alaska groan and floorboards creaking. I smile, she has finally gotten out of our bed. I sit back down at my desk where I have all the proposal plans, starts of different speeches, and letters from Phillip and his mother. In the middle of the desk I have her ring in a small box. It's not much but I know she will love it. It's simple but beautiful. I start to drift as I stare at the small diamond. That I totally ignore the weak knock on my door. I hear the door jolt and her small voice "Alexander." I jump out of my seat and quickly pull my body in front of my desk so I am hiding the ring and my plans from her eye sight.
     "George Washington is here for you," She tells me. Perfect, I can now ask for his blessing! I smile at her but she has already walked away. I frown as Washington walks into my office and closes the door behind him.
     "Son I came here for two reasons," He starts when I cut him off.
    "Sir! I have something I would like to ask you before you start!" I say jumpy. He looks at me confused when I just blurt out my words "I want to marry Alaska!" His face is emotionless at first until I see him start to smile. Although, that smile fades from him and my breath hitches.
     "You have been so caught up in this that you have let Alaska become wildly depressed! You can not marry her until she is happy again you understand that right?" He asks me becoming stern.
     "I know, I know! I just...I don't know how to help her! I too have lost John and I am barely making it out myself let alone help Alaska!" I stutter.
     "Son, you need to just spend time with her. I'm quite worried about her," He tells me and I nod.
     "I am too," I tell him with a small tear in my eye. My bottle-cap glasses have become foggy from my unsteady breathing so I take them off. Washington steps towards me putting his hand on my shoulder. I look back up to him and I see he is smiling.
     "Alexander," He says quietly.
     "Yes sir?" I ask.
     "Be true, watch out for her, keep her safe," He tells me with a nod. I smile and tears flow as I embrace him tightly. He is tense before he starts to pat my back and melts into the hug. I pull away as I wipe the tears away.
     "Want to see the ring?" I ask shyly. Washington smiles and nods. I move away from my messy desk and I carefully pick up her ring. I hand Washington it and he smiles wider.
     "She'll love it," He laughs.
     "Good it took me months to find," I laugh. It is quiet for a while until I say "I'm sorry what did you want to ask me?" He laughs as he remembers "Ah yes! The people are asking me to lead. I'm doing the best I can to give the people what they need I'm asking you to be my right-hand man," While he is rambling I'm chanting in my head 'Treasury or State?'
     I cut him off "Sir! Would you like me to run the Treasury or State department?"
     "Let's go," I joke and he laughs.
     "Well we should reunite with our 'wives'," He jokes. I blush at his words as I carefully place her ring in my desk drawer and lock it. We walk down the stairs and I'm bouncing. I have Washington's approve now I just need to wait until Phillip and Amelia come to New York next week. Then Alaska will officially be mine.
     Alaska is on the couch looking exhausted. I frown at her as I miss her normally perky attitude. I try to brighter her day by saying "Alaska! Finally darling you are out of bed!" I make my way to her side. I'm about to ask her to walk to the park with me when she says "Not for long so I'm going to retire for the night," and she stands up.
     "Alaska it is only four O'clock," A surprised John asks. I think we all are surprised she use to stay up as late as me reading or talking to me about her day. I loved every moment of it. Her soft but excited voice explaining her daily adventures. The way her emerald eyes gleamed every time she laughed at her own jokes. Or her hand gestures to make sure you understood what she was saying. I snap back to reality once I hear her sad voice.
     "Oh it is? I'm sorry for my bother I'm just tired," She says in a monotone voice. I can feel my heartbreak with her walking away from me. I start to follow her up the stairs but she never looks back until she is at our room.
     "Please don't go to bed yet," I beg her.
     "Alexander I'm so tired though," She pouts. I start to feel anger rise in me. I just want to be with her! Does she even want me?
     "All you ever do is sleep!" I snap.
     "And all you ever do is write! Good night," She yells and slams the door in front of me. Tears flow down my face and I walk down the steps down towards the Washington's.
     "I'm so sorry, If you wouldn't mind I have so much work to do," I tell them as I try to keep my tears from pouring down my face. They all nod and make there way to the door.
     Washington turns towards me and whispers "Don't work tonight, go in there and just lay with her," I nod to him and he vanishes into a carriage with his son and wife. They make their way down the road when I close the door behind me. That's when all my tears flow. I just sit against the door and sob. Everything with Laurens and Alaska finally are all hitting me and the tears just don't stop. I pull my knees to my chest and then I run my hands though my knotty hair. I can hear a door open and I see Alaska at the top of the stairs staring at me with tears in her eyes. She makes her way down and sits next to me. I look over at her and we both have tears down our faces.
     She pulls me into her, comforting me. She was just as broken and hurt but she was holding me. We were dying but she was holding me. She starts to stroke my hair as I let out another gasp of air as the next storm of tears flow. I lean up to see she has stopped crying and she has a small smile. I lean into kiss her and our lips meeting was everything I missed. Her soft full lips against mine comforted me more then she will ever know. I cry into the kiss and she pulls away cupping my face. She shushes me as she wipes away my tears.
     "I love you, everything will be okay. Okay?" She asks.
     "Of course my love," I shakily say. She leans in to kiss me again. This one was short just a peck but still gave me a filling feeling. We both lean into each other. She rests her head on my shoulder and my head on top of her head. I interlock our hands together and I rub her soft hand with my thumb. She starts to hum a bit and I smile.

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