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The baby is due any day now. My anxiety is high and Alexander is freaking out. The baby's arrival is all I ever think of. Especially the pain, all I can think about is the terrifying stretching I will feel. I keep trying to remind myself of the pay off but I just can't seem to think positively about the situation.
      We have designed a gender neutral nursery for the child and then had a long debate for the name. We finally decided on for a boy Philip Hamilton named after Phillip Brown and Angelica Hamilton for a girl.
The morning was bright and the baby was kicking wildly. Alexander had to help me out of bed as the child was thrashing. We walk down the stairs together and reach the bottom of the steps when I get a serve pain in my abdomen. I grunt and hunch myself over, gripping onto the nearby railing.
"What's wrong? Is it the baby?" He asks concern painted across his face.
"I'm fine," I say as I slowly stand back up straight. This reminds me of the day at the park with my mother. I shrug off the pain and keep walking over to the dinning table. I carefully sit down onto the wooden table. Alexander watches me carefully.
"I'm fine!" I playfully tell him. He nods slowly and turns away to make breakfast. My back starts to have a shooting pain and my pelvis is aching.
"damn," I mumble as I rub my back hunching it to release the tension. He doesn't hear me so I start to do my breathing exercises. The smell of eggs cooking makes me nauseous. I start to gag at the smell.
"Let's go to the doctor," Alexander says sternly.
"No, no I'm fine," I say calmly. He looks at me with disbelief. Then I get another horrible cramp making me cry out.
"Is the baby coming?" He asks.
     "I don't know," I say through clenched teeth. 
"Oh my God Alaska! Your in labor!" He yells. I scream in pain as my response. He grabs my arm swiftly but not tight enough to hurt me and guides me over to the couch. I slowly lay on the couch gripping my big stomach as I breathe in and out.
"I'll be right back! I'll run and tell Rose to stay with you then get the doctor," He says quickly. I just whimper and he runs out the door.
     'Just breathe in and out,' I tell myself. In and out in and out in and OUT. I am screaming in pain as another shooting pain strikes in my pelvis. 
About a minute goes by and the pain is just horrible. My contractions are very long and painful. Rose comes running through the door and kneels next to me.
"Just breath. I'm here and Alexander and the doctor should be here soon," She comforts me. Tears just roll down my face as I cry in pain.
The doctor comes in with an exhausted Alexander. Alexander takes Rose's place and grips my hand. He held my hand up to his face and kissed my hand.
"Just think of how we will have a family! I know it hurts but the payoff is worth it," He says calmly. I smile at him as tears flow. All the pain rushes back and I scream.
"Okay on three push one, two, three," He says. I scream as I push. I feel the stretch and I continue to scream until my vocal cords are raw.
"One two three," The doctor says once again. I push again whimpering in tears.
"You got this," Alexander whispers to me. I feel the release and I stop crying and screaming. I wait for the sound of my child but I don't hear anything. The doctor cuts the umbilical cord and takes the baby away.
"What-where is he taking my child," I say weakly panic rising in my voice. Alexander looks over at him. He stands up and follows the doctor. I hear Alexander cry out and start to curse. Panic starts to raise and I watch Alexander rush his hands in his long auburn hair in anguish. His violet-blue eyes filled with tears as he cries out in agony. My heart breaks in everyway. The pain I felt with John death, my mother death, and all the fear I have felt in my life can never beat this feeling I have rushing through my veins. What is happening?
"What's happening!" I yell. Tears pour down my face and I start to hyperventilate. Alexander looks at me slowly. The pained look on his face softens as he looks he reads my terrified expression. He slowly over to me with a small reassuring smile but the agony is still evident.
     "We had a boy, Alaska. Our first child was a boy," He says softly as he kneels next to me. He takes my hands in his and he kisses my knuckles as I process his words. I smile for a second once all the fear washes away. I reply his words in my head over and over until I realize the wording. Had? Was?
"Was?" I ask softly my smile fading.
"Was," He says quietly reassuring his words. I violently shake my head in denial. Tear don't fall I just lay there in shock.
     "I want to see my son!" I say harshly. Alexander looks at me pained but slowly stands up. I look over to Rose who looks mortified. She has tears down her face and her hand is glued to her hand in shock. 
   Alexander comes back with a small still baby wrapped in one of my quilts that I had knitted for the baby. Rose walks over and helps me up into more of a sitting position. I still have pain so I wince at the sudden but slow movements.
     Alexander hands me the doll like child. I carefully take it as if it was alive and stare at it. I rock it slowly trying to see some sign of life in his closed eyes. I lift my left hand and I open his left eye to reveal his violet-blue eye. It is the exact same as Alexander's. I gasp as tears gather in my eyes as I stare at his peaceful face. He had a small frame like me with Alexander's small nose. He was so beautiful it hurt me too much to think he would never breathe. Alexander rests his head on my shoulder and I feel his tears leaking onto my shoulder. My breaths are shaky and I start to tremble. The doctor walks into the room and he attempts to take the baby from my arms. I grip onto his soft chubby frame tighter as the doctor rips my child from me. I scream at him but my body is so tired to do anything. I try to get up but Alexander just holds me down. He doesn't say a word because his small whimpers are hidden under my screams and curses at the doctor who has taken my baby from my arms. I know he will never be alive but doesn't mean I'm ready to let go of him. Philip my son will never walk or love on this earth but I will never stop loving him. I can't wait to be with him at the gates of heaven where he will stand there proud like his father once did.

-I was super unsatisfied with how this chapter was at first so I rewrote it.
This book is ending soon because I am losing ideas and also because I am super inspired for a new book. It won't be a fan fiction instead it is all my own characters :)

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