° Seven °

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Colby's POV

Sam has just finished talking to me and now I'm sat in bed, bored out of my mind. My mind keeps wandering to thoughts about Sam. He is gorgeous. We've only just met and it's like love at first sight for me. I don't think he feels the same about me. All I know is that I would love to get to know him and I'm sure he would be perfect for me. Although, I shouldn't be getting ahead if myself I might not even like his personality, after all I don't even know the kid.

I start thinking about how to tonight could go. Me, Sam and his friends going to a haunted tunnel. I just hope it's not like the last one. Me and my old friend, Charlie, was exploring a tunnel and we got so far in, we must have walked for at least an hour and not only that, but the tunnels got smaller and smaller as you go in. I forgot the name of it but I will never forget the experience I had. So like I  said, we was so far in that something bad just had to happen. We heard a  wicked laugh and running sounds coming from down the tunnel and saw a shadow coming closer to us on the wall. We just ran and ran and ran, not giving up until we reached the end. My legs had never felt so dead, my heart had never beaten for so long, and fast, my breathing had never been heavier and my head was hurting all over. It was horrible.

I remember Sam is going to talk to me tonight about his anxiety. I know sort of what it's like, my cousin and step bother deals with it. I know that no matter how bad it can be for him, I'm never leaving him. A lot of people say that and end up leaving and I think it's disgusting. To leave a person who trusts you, relies on you sometimes, only wants you to make them feel better, and knows that only you understand, is horrible I think.

Ugh, I miss Sam already. Not only can I not talk to him for seven hours it's also plus two hours because of my school time. So we can only talk at five. Greattt.

Jack- yo. Wanna skive school today? DC has got alcoholll. Don't be a pussy and drink some!

Colby- ah man I'd love to but I have a meeting today with the headmaster that's really important.

Jack- BULLSHITTT. What bout homie?

Colby- dunno

Jack- nah fam don't be lyin like that. Fr you got one?

Colby- it's what I just said.... -_-

Jack- oi oi getting cheeky. Alright whatever loser. See you tomorrow nerrrdddd

Colby- k

You know when you want to punch someone? Then kick them in the balls? Then throw a chair at them? Then crush them with a table? And maybe smash their face in with a brick? Yeah? Well that's me with all of them boys. If you think he's bad wait until you meet Jake, DC, Tyler, Ellie, Abbie and Carter. I hate them so much, I wasted 3 years with them suckers. I guess I suck too then. I made some horrible, stupid decisions and I promised to stop and be a better person, which I am doing and I don't give a fuck what they think. One thing I am not going to do, is let Sam know who I was. He will for sure hate me.

I look at the time. 09:05. I had two hours to do nothing! I shall just watch TV, not even pay attention and think about Sam. Yeah, that seems like a good plan.

Short chapter sorry.
The next one ( eight) will be short like this one but after that one (nine) will be  longer because that is the tunnel chapter.
Hope you're liking this so far.
Feel free to comment anything about this or leave any suggestions.
Until next time...
Byee ❤

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