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Sam's POV

I saw Zac in the corridor walking to my locker and there is something off putting and mysterious about him, though I'm not really sure what it is. A few stories have been made about him and one of the most recent ones is Snapchat.

He has the app and he somehow gets people's snap names without giving them to him. One of them being mine. I found out today when I got "Zac Hyster added you as a friend on Snapchat!"

I got my phone out and decided to add him back, not knowing why, but I was trying to be friendly. He sent me a picture and then a video. I didn't open it because I knew it would be something weird, then again, I was also very curious. I waited until he had passed round a corner, pretending not to have any interest in the snaps.

What it was, was weirder than I thought it would be. It was a picture of me, sitting in the cafeteria, at school. Then the video was when the bell rang and everyone got up, Including me obviously, and he zoomed in on me and recorded me as I left the lunch hall. The worst part was the caption at the bottom which said 'lol'. I ignored it and was close to deleting him but I didn't bring myself to do it. I went round a corner and gone to my lesson. English.

At least I have Corey in my English class so I can talk to him about it.


At night, I was laying in bed, watching TV and talking to Colby. Zac messaged me on Snapchat. Unfortunately I tapped the notification which sent me straight to his message.

Zac- You live on Masent Street?

I awnsered back 'yes' and he replied back immediately. I chose not to open his chat though. But the more I waited, the more he messaged me. I was so close to blocking him it was not even funny. He then started sending me pictures.

I called Colby and spoke to him about this.

Colby, there's somebody creepy messaging me. They know where I live.
A friend?
No, he's a weird kid and he's super creepy. Them kind of kids you think have a mental problem. (Not trying to be offensive❤)
What's he been saying?
He's been taking photos of me and videos. He messaged me saying he knows where I live and the worst part about it, I didn't give him my username in the first place.
What kind of videos?
Me in school. It's scary
Why not go to the police about this?
I don't know, it might just be a prank
If it carries on tomorrow, we're going to the cops.

I got another message off him and I guessed the longer I took to respond, the less mistreated he will be. I carried on talking to Colby and asked him how his day was.

It was okay. Done a Media exam and got a detention tomorrow.
What for?
I done my homework but it wasn't to her 'expectations'. Baby, I've got to go I'll be back soon.
Okay, bye

The call ended and I locked my phone, turning over and fell asleep pretty soon after.

I woke up the next morning with my windows and closet door open.

"What the fuck?"

I didn't remember opening any of them, but my room was absolutely freezing. I saw a bunch of new notifications from Zac from my phone. Then it sank it... What if it was him?

I opened Snapchat in a hurry and opened the snaps from him. It started with pictures of the sidewalk last night, then a picture of my house, then one of my bedroom window, and one of me taken through the window. The next was a picture of Zac standing in my room, and a picture of me sleeping taken from my closet. That was the last picture then I saw his messages.

Waterslide- Solby ( Sam and Colby ) Where stories live. Discover now