° Fifteen °

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Sam's POV

I was alone when I woke up. I checked the time to make sure I didn't sleep in too late. 10:12. Okay, maybe I did. Colby must have already gone downstairs. I slowly got up out of bed and gone to get some clothes, picking out a plain blue shirt and grey jeans. I heard talking from outside my room, in the  hallway, and me being my normal nosy self, I gone up to my door to listen. It was Colby's voice.

"Yeah, I'll come round tommorow. We can film the video but I'm not using my phone again..... Oh yeah sure, I'll just let a possible serial killer track my phone down and get killed, great idea Brennan! ....... I'll go target or some place just to get a really shitty one and we can destroy it after....... Alright, see you tomorrow bro.... Yeah yeah whatever love you too.... Oh my god fuck off..... Haha okay bye"

Brennan. Baby Brenn. Hearts. "Love you too". " We're just bestfriends ". " I wouldn't hurt you ". "LOVE YOU TOO". I kept replaying his voice in my head, which made me feel sick, and I could feel my heart drop. He wouldn't do that, right?.

I got dragged out of my thoughts by my door being swung open. I gasped in fear by the sudden movement and Colby was laughing. " Sorry, did I scare you? " "Yeah, it's fine. I was about to open it" I say in a voice which sounded like I had no  effort at all. "What's up?" "N-nothing" I walk past him and jog downstairs and see the other two.

"Morning, lazy bitch" Corey said pitting an arm round me. "Morning, fat ass" "Oh, honey, that's a good thing which you love" "Damnnn righttt" I smirk and we both laugh. "Hey, Colby!" I turned around and he was right behind me. "Hey". Elton stood up and came to  us. " okay, why do I feel like there's tension between you two or something? " I saw Colby look at me but I kept my eyes fixed to the floor. "What's gone on?" "Nothing, Elton." I reply trying not to flip out at Colby. "Don't bullshit, Colby what's up with him?" "I don't know, he won't tell me" "great!" "Guys, I'm fine. Just tired still" I lie and sit on the sofa. I quickly glance at Colby and he evidently look upset.

Should I be trusting him this much? Or am I being stupid? He said he wouldn't hurt me, right? He could of lied. I mean, I'm doing it right now. So what's stopping him from doing it too. Okay,  Sam, shut up, you're just making yourself more hurt...

Very short chapter, I'm so sorry.
Turns out this morning was the first time in my life that I've ever passed out. It was scaryyyy.
Until next time...
Byee ❤

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