° Thirty Eight °

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Thanks for waiting guys. ❤❤
On the chapter 37 ignore the end where it says "wassup guys, it's Sam and Colby" I've changed it in this chapter because I realised in this book, they both have separate accounts and not a duo.

Colby's POV

I began the video by saying this.

"Wassup guys, it's Colby and I am here Sam Golbach, Elton Castee, Corey Scherer and Jake Webber. We are at a medical hospital, which is right behind us. So, we had no idea if it was possible for us to get in here, so we checked the perimeter."

I looked at Sam so he could finish.

"We saw loads of 'beware of dog' signs, slightly worrying, but we went round the back of it and the back door was just wide open."

"Shall we go and have a look?"

Corey asked, looking around.

"Let's do it"

I say and we walk towards the building.

I began speaking again.

"What if it's like.... A trap. Because if the door is wide open, we are going to walk in there and alarms will start blaring out."

"What's the worst that has happened to you?"

Sam asked.

"I don't get caught, I get chased around a lot and some demonic stuff happens"


Elton stopped suddenly and pointed to a house.

"That's the dog?! That's terrifying"

Corey said as the security dog barked louder.

Except Corey, we all walked to the door, where the dog was stood.

"How are you guys walking towards it!? Look at that thing!"

"It's huge"

"That's what she said"

Jake added making us laugh.

We take a few steps back and carry on to where we was originally walking.

"I'm pretty sure if that dog does get let loose, he's gonna kill Jake first because he's the slowest out of all of us"

"I don't wanna get eaten. The dog will probably go for Corey because he's got more booty meat"

Sam smiled at Corey.

"Oh please, you're just jealous i got a better ass than you"

Sam rolled  his eyes and looked around.

"Shall we try to get in?"

Elton had his arms crossed, clearly impatient.

"What if alarms go off?"

Jake looked through the doors as he said that.

"Guys, there's lights on "

" Let's try to get inside" 

Corey said walking towards the door.

"Why are you going first? You never go first"

"Uh, I'm not trying to get my booty meat eaten by a horrifying dog, thank you"

"Guys, let's try to be quiet  this time"

Sam walked in front of Corey and opened the door we saw earlier, which is wide open.

It was only open slightly and he whistled three times.

"Dude, what are you doing?"

Jake asked, laughing.

"I'm checking to see if the dog doesn't come running down and chews me up into pieces."

"Did we bring any meat for the dog?" 

Corey asked.

"Yeah, right here" 

Jake pointed at me.

I smile and roll my eyes

"Colby has a fat ass, that dog has meat for days"

I sighed and shook my head but kept the smile on my face trying not to laugh.

Sam looked at me, smirking and gave me his cheeky wink. 

There was a loud alarm that just went off, blaring from every corner. We all looked at each other and fear and done what our instinct told us- run. 

All the way back to the car we ran. The sound of the alarm and dogs barking trailed behind us. My mind was blank but full at the same time and I wondered if we was going to be safe. 

Luckily, the car was already unlocked so we jumped straight in and I caught a quick glance of a man, in uniform, with a police dog. 

"Colby, go!"

My eyes flicked back to the road and started the engine, speeding down the road way above the limit. 

The car ride was silent, except the first few minuets of heavy breathing. Other than that, no body else spoke. 

Maybe this day wasn't going to be that good after all...

again.... I'm sorry for leaving you guys for so long. <3 

Waterslide- Solby ( Sam and Colby ) Where stories live. Discover now