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Sam's POV

You know when you feel jealous but you have nothing to worry about because you know nothing will happen yet you still have a doubt anyway? Well, that's me. I love Colby, like so so so much but my anxiety is all over the place and whenever I think about him and Brennen together it makes my blood boil. I do trust him and I'm starting to trust Brennen. As you can probably tell, I have trust issues and everytime my trust issues comes along... It brings a friend, anxiety!

I haven't told Colby anything about my anxiety yet. I don't really like talking about it. I can say so many things about it and how I feel and when it gets super bad but whenever there comes a time where I need to say it, I can't. It's like I forget how to think and/or talk.

I feel bad for pushing Colby away like that earlier. It's been three and a half hours nearly and its 21:12. Also something else that was happening right now was that I was crying. I have been for at least an hour already. My sleeves were soaked, I felt weak and my head was heavy. My throat hurt a little from when I screamed into my pillow.

I needed Colby more than ever. I needed him here. All I do is push people away. I hate myself. Why am I like this?! I don't belong here. I belong six feet under. I should just go. Leave this  world. I'm no one special. No, no, no stop!

I grab my phone and call Colby.

"Sam! Oh my god are you okay?"

"No, C-Colby please. Come o-over"

"Of course baby. I'm on my way."


The call ended and I started sobbing again, leaning down burying my face Into my bed sheets.

I was alone tonight, Corey and Elton had gone exploring and said they won't be back till tomorrow.

My mind has all over the place, thinking of bad things.
Please don't cut
Please don't cut
Please don't cut
You promised Colby
Please don't cut
You can make it if you try
Stay strong

I lay down on top of my messy covers, curled up into a ball and closed my eyes.

Colby's POV

Driving as fast as I could to get to Sam's house, breaking the speed limit and overtaking some cars. A lot of cars had beeped at me, drivers cursing at me and people staring at me while they walked down the sidewalk. None of that mattered to me. 

A few minuets past before I got to his house. I sprinted into his house and bolted up the stairs, going to his room. 

Pushing the door open, I see him sleeping on his bed. When I got closer I realised he had dried tear stains and the skin around his eyes were red - most likely from rubbing them too much. Yes, he was just upset but he looks super adorable when he is sleeping. 

I sat on the edge of his bed and stroked his hair, softly. "Sammy?.... Sam, wake up". I heard him groan and squeeze his eyes shut tighter, trying to pull the covers up his body more. I chuckle and say his name again. He slowly opened his eyes and sighed. I waited for him to say something but he sat up and stared at me. "What?". After getting no reply off him, he leaned forward and hugged me. I smile and hug him back, pulling him closer to me.

 "Please-" Sam didn't finish.

 "What, baby?" "P-please... d-don't go" "I'm not going anywhere without you, baby" "I'm sorry" "No, don't apologise" "I have to! Look at what I'm putting you through. You don't need this" 

I sigh and look at him, holding his hands.  He couldn't being himself to look at me but that didn't matter.

"But baby, I don't care how much crap we go through or how hard it will get for you, I will be here for you, to stick up for you, to make you smile, to make you stronger. I will be that angel on your right shoulder telling you the truth instead of the demon on your other shoulder telling you lies. Samuel, you mean the world to me, as soon as I met you I fell in love, you're perfect to me, I wouldn't give you up for the world. I love you more than anything, Sammy" 

A few tears ran down the blonde's cheek so I wiped them away gently.

 "Promise?" "I double, triple promise" "I'm sorry" "Like i said-"

 I stroked his cheek as he looked at me with watery eyes. "Don't apologise.". He yawned and leaned down, putting his head in his hands. 

"Are you tired, babe?" He hummed and I moved off the bed. "Go to sleep. I'm staying over here tonight" "But... you have school tomorrow?" "Then I'm not going." "You need to" "I've skipped it before, I can skip it again" "You can, but you won't." "That's where you're wrong, sweetheart" "Colby" "Sam" "You need to go" "And I also need to be here for you" "Babbyy" "Yes, beautiful?" "Fine, but if you go down in your lessons I'm just gonna say I told you so" "Deal. Now come on, sleep" "It's only quarter to ten" "Well, what do you want to do?"

Sam looked at me and smirked. "Don't even think about it, Golbach" "Please? Just a hickey?" "Your moods really do change quick, don't they?" "Stop changing the subject!" He grabbed me and pulled me on the bed, pushing me down and got on me. "Damn, You're stronger than I thought" He scoffed and leaned down to kiss me but I moved my head to the side and laughed. He grabbed the bottom of my chin with his thumb and finger, forcing me to face him and he crashed his lips to mine. "So... sexy" I moan against his lips. 

I had my hands on his back, one hand leaving little scratches a few times and the other on his ass.

"Colby" he breathed out my name which turned me on so fucking much. "Yes, baby?" "Please, I need you" "are you sure?" He nodded and I kissed him again. He soon stopped the kiss by  trailing down my neck and licking above the collar of my shirt. I began letting out small moans, holding the sheets below me.

He kept on lightly kissing different areas on my skin. I had my hands on his chest and gently pushed him off me. "Baby?" I whisper "yeah?" "Sit up". He done as I said and I got up too, moving my legs which were under him to now me being cross-legged. I cup one of his cheeks and kiss him gently. " I'm still playing hard to get". I smile cheekily and jump up off the bed, running to the door. I turn his light off in his room and it became very dim. - ( nooo I thought it would be fucking light!?😂🔫)

"COLBY!" "Yes, baby?" "I hate you!" "No, you love me baby boy"
He groaned and crossed his arms, pouting, looking like a seven year old. I laugh and mess with his hair. "Colby, I love you. Even though you're annoying." "And I love you too gorgeous, even though you're annoying" "come here" he smiled and pulled me onto the bed so we was both laying down. He pulled the covers over us and started to cuddle up next to each other.

" Good night, Sam. Have sweet dreams baby"

"Good  night, Colby. And you."

I kiss his head and relax, slowly drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

On my Instagram account I edit photos and videos of Sam and Colby (I've done one of Brennen) and I have a new editing app and I love itttt!! Just thought I'll share, lmaooo.
It's 23:00 right now so I am going to sleeeppp.
Good night. 💕
Until next time...
Byee ❤

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