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Corey's POV

Last night was definitely the scariest night of my life! Me and Elton done something stupid. We went to a abandoned trailer park and guess what we saw there. I'm going to give you five seconds to guess......... Have you got an answer yet? .......... well, we saw a mother fucking clown. A clown! That scary bitch with the Rudolf, red nose mother fucker with the makeup three inches deep looking like IT on a bad day,  with eyebrows longer than my... not going to finish that, and a knife shinier than my goddamned future. You can imagine my reaction from seeing him.

Colby's POV

Dad- Son of a bitch!! You're a lying bastard!! I'm tired of your shit!! I told you before, I'm always fucking right. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?


Dad- Oh shut the fuck up faggot with your lame excuses "oh I have depression" "oh I used to cut" YOU'RE A LIAR COLBY!! YOU AINT NO SON OF MINE.

Colby- Quite clearly... But fine. I'm leaving you with this that I wrote ages ago.

Dear Dad,
Hi, you may think I'm an ordinary boy with a normal life and mind. Well, I'm not. I'm far from that short description.

Anxiety and depression are getting the better of me. Family, how can you never see? The holes in my mind are digging deeper, the spiral has now gone down to far. I'm feeling trapped, all alone, no one to see, no one to call, it feels as if I'm just another guy.

I wish I was. I wish I wasn't like this. Emotionally unstable is all I ever were, All I ever am, all I'll ever be. Nothing can compare to the hurtful things that you make happen to me.

We never have our laughs no more, our times no more, we never seem to be together anymore. With only a wall diving us, we can never be heard or seen. No more games, we had it all. We had our happiness hanging on the wall, but that got smashed and we got rid of it all.  Now it's a hurtful memory, of what we used to have, and we'll never get that back. No more. No more. It's gone.

Face it, nothing ever happens. Each in our rooms, ignoring every chance we have of fixing ourselves but you see all that, as nothing at all.

You're always right. It's the way it always has been. We can never get a say, we're always in the wrong. Overpower, empower, I know which one is you. You make me feel small, you make me feel weak, you  make me feel like crying till I'm crawling on my knees and the best is, you don't even know who your son is anymore.

I'm smiling now but I'm okay right? See, I've been trying to get you to see for  years, until I realised, you had your eyes closed all the time.

You don't believe me when I say "I'm scared because of anxiety" but making me happy is your top priority. So, how come you never believe me when I say "I have anxiety". If you read this, would you believe me now? Am I a book to you? Do you read me, every single word, ignore, forget what's ever happened and put me back where I belonged? Well, believe me when I say "I want to run away.".

All the anger, all the tears, you  wouldn't have even noticed they were there!

Do you even realise, the demons in my head are actually kind of nice. They tell me the truth, they know who I am, they take advantage and destroy every good part they can. It's funny how you say " You need to smile more" but you're the one who gets me like this. How can I be happy when I've lived as a person like me? So many years, so many tears, I thought you could help me. Such a sour irony. Would you help me if I said "It's harder to live than it is to die, so why can't tonight be the night I say good bye?" Do you know, oh do you know, I don't want to be here anymore?

So many times, so many times before, I promised it would never happen again. But. I guess that was lie. There's been one too many times where I have done it again, and again, and again, and again. You want to know why? Such a stupid question to ask. It's right in front of you. You have a son that wants to die.

Dad- Oh fuck off out of my life with that shit you faggot. I'm done with you.

"C-Colby" "Yes, baby?"

I look down at Sam who was half asleep, lying down in his covers while I was sat up.

"Why are you sat up? And why do you have no shirt on?"

"I don't know. I've been up ages. You look adorable when you sleep by the way" a saw a small blush spread across his cheeks as his lips curved up into a small smile.

"And it was too got, so I took my shirt off. " "okay" he yawned out, stretching his arms up. "What are we doing today?" He asked tracing his fingers along my back. I already likes the feeling of that and his cold hands made it better. "S-Sam" "mhh" "I like that, stop" "Do you like this as well?" He dug his nails into my skin and dragged them down. I tilted my head back and moaned out his name. "Please, baby. I love that" he giggled and stopped.

"So, what are we doing today?" "We, Sam Golbach, are going to be going somewhere and I am going to surprise you. " "What? Why?" "Well, one, I'm making it up to you for when you got jealous-" "I did not get jealous!" "Keep telling yourself that, baby boy. And second, you deserve it" "But, I need to surprise you" "No you don't. The one and only thing I need is you." He smiled widely and  laughed, hiding his face in the pillow and screamed quietly.

"That was so cute! " I heard him squeal and I laugh.

I heard my phone buzz

Dad- Fag. Go die, bitch.

Sam sits up faster than I could blink and sees the message.

"Colby? What's going on?" "Sam, I didn't want to say anything to you. It doesn't matter" "No, no, no. It does matter now tell me. "
"Me and dad had an argument and now he's done with me and I'm done with him so so we've 'separated'. Mom is still here for me though." "Why did you argue?" "Very, very long story." Sam sighs and gives me a hug. "I will always be here for you" "Thank you baby boy. I'll always be here for you too. " "I love you Colby." "I love you too, beautiful"

Oh, Sam, I wish you knew. I really wish you knew how much I love you and what I'm hiding from you. I pull away from the hug and talk.

"S-Sam... Can I talk you you later? Like, a serious talk?" "Uh, uhm... Y-yeah, I g-guess" "it's nothing bad about us. " "Then what?" "Something that happens mentally, physically and emotionally" "I think I know where you're going with this" "Yeah, well can I?" "Sure, baby. Just be honest and open about anything. " "I will baby. Oh my god, Sam I love you so much" "Colby! You're about to cry" 
He holds my hands and kisses my nose. "I know. It's true, you know. I really do love you." "Colby, shut up and hug me before I see you burst into tears"

I laugh and wrap my arms round him. He kisses my neck and whispers "I love you more"

I'm going through family problems right now and that 'note' that I used for Colby for his dad was written by me tonight (female version) about me and my dad right now.
Hope you liked this chapter.
Until next time...
Byee ❤

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