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Sam's POV

Colby held my hand as he walked out of town with me. "Where are we going?" I smile at him. "Surprise, love" "Ugh, I hate surprises" I pout and he pulls me round so I'm in front of him. He caught my lip between his teeth and pulled. I tried not to moan and he stopped, smiling at me. "You'll love mine" he whispers and we carried on walking.

It was about ten more minuets that we was walking for in an area of town I have never seen before. I don't normally come to town anyway. I looked at all the shops along both sides. Piercing shops, clothes, skate shops and loads more.

He took me to the furthest shop at the end of the road and it was a store full of clothes. "Go to the back, on the left" he said to me. "Oh God" "you'll like it". I sigh and walk in first. There was loads of people my age, some younger and some older. I  gone where Colby directed me to. The corner was full of Twenty Øne Piløts merchandise. " Oh my god!!". Colby laughed at my reaction and I threw my arms round him, jumping into his arms. 

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you" I repeated so happily. "Aw, I love you too". HEE LOOVVEESSS MEEEE!!!!! " Now are you going to hug me forever or choose a few things to get?" "You're not paying" "I'm not? That would be selfish of me. Of course I'm paying" "No, I don't expect you to pay, so you won't" "Such a gentleman but, I'm paying and that's final." "You're not going to give up are you?" "Nope" I sigh "Fine, but I'll pay you back one day". I saw him roll his eyes and smile.

Colby helped me pick out two shirts, a beanie, a snap back and a phone case. " I'm worried this is to  much " "It's not" he kissed my cheek and gone to pay for them. There was a guy behind the counter and he scanned them all one by one. "Big fan of TØP, I see?" He asked looking at me. "Definitely" "Ever met them?" "No, not yet" "Aw, my friends have. I'm the only one out of them who hasn't" "sounds the same about me and mine". The guy laughs and packs all of them in a bag. " That will be £57.75, please." Colby paid by his card and typed his pin in. What the fuck Colby!? Why that muchhh!???. He took his card out and smiled at me. I shook my head at him and he laughs quietly. "Great, hope to see you soon" "you too".

We walk out and I looked him and he was already looking at me. " don't be mad, cutie" "Can't believe you spent that much on me" "I'll do anything for you". I blush and he took my hand again. "Ready for your second surprise?" "How many is there?" "Only three" "Oh my god". He laughed at my reaction. " Like I said, you'll love it". I roll my eyes playfully and glared at him. He raised his brows and pecked my lips. I smile and squeeze his hand. Then after that, we just had a game of 'who can squeeze who's hand harder?'. 

*skip to second surprise*

"You really do annoy me, Colby" I say knowing where he has taken me. "Well, you like balls so I figured I should take you here". I gasped and hit hit, laughing. " You bitch!" "Oops" "You better let me win now" "Well you're going against Corey and Elton too so good luck" "They knew about this?" "Yeah, they just wanted a few extra games so they came earlier" "ooh".

He opened the door for me and I could hear sound of people talking, music playing and pins getting knocked over. " There they are" I say and we walk to them.

"Hey love birds! Hows your day so far?" Corey asked hugging his both. "It's been great, hows yours been?" "Amazing. I beat Elton" "Don't bullshit" Elton said and Corey glared at him. "You didn't really win did you?" "I tried okay!"

"Who wants to knock some mother fudging pins over?!" Elton said, nearly yelling. "US!!" we cheered and ran to get our shoes and began playing. The first game was me and Corey against Elton and Colby. This is going to be fun. Colby came to me as Corey took his bowl. "Good luck, baby. I'm not going to be soft on you anymore". He winked and Elton heard. "TMI guys". We both laugh and Colby went to take his shot. Corey gave me his ball and I sat down with him, watching Colby.

Waterslide- Solby ( Sam and Colby ) Where stories live. Discover now