° Seventeen °

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This may be a little confusing, but you'll get it in the next chapters.

Jack's POV

Poor Sam. So innocent. So easy to trick. So fragile. My plan is working. Brennan is in on this too. Even Colby has gotten tricked. This is what he gets for his gay ass leaving our group, not that we want him in it anymore, he still deserves getting his ass beat.

Brennan- Colby texted me. He's upset. Sam and him had an argument. Looks like it's going the way we want 😏

Jack- great. Just make sure they don't keep in contact. Take Colby's phone.

Brennan- how?

Jack- go round his house. Find a way. Delete his number.

Brennan- should I really be doing this? I mean, they seem happy.

Jack- listen here bitch, if you want your £100 and cigarettes, you better do this for us. Seperate Sam and Colby or no good treats. Unless you want to get dealt with by people we know, who aren't scared to try and kill you. So you better do what we say, or you'll be facing death. Got it, Brennan!?

Brennan- ... Yes

Jack- good, now stop wasting my time. Go.

Colby's POV

Colby- I've lost him, haven't I?

Brennan- Stay away from him. He doesn't deserve you. I've knows you for two days and I know you can do better.

Colby- I don't care if I can do better. I want him.

Brennan- everyone says that. It just ends up going downhill.

Colby- You don't know that.

Brennan- just give up! He's not coming back.

Colby- then I'll go to him.

Brennan- he won't accept you.

Colby- I'll take a shot

Brennan- fucking hell Colby why can't you just take my advice!?

Colby- why can't you just be happy that I'm still trying?! Why are you saying I should just let him go?!


Colby- text me back when you're not being a bitch to me.

Brennan- whatever, just saying it's no point.

I sigh angrily and throw my phone down on my bed.

Why wouldn't Sam trust me? I thought he had feelings for me. He said I was fucking with his feelings for fun. I would not do that. I don't even know what he means by that. Even brenna- then it hit me. He heard me on the phone this morning and got jealous! My eyes widened and I ran downstairs, grabbing my car keys.

I rushed out as fast as I could, jumping into my car and driving as fast as I could to Sam's house.

My breathing started to get heavier as I got  closer. I called Corey.

"Hey, Colby! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm coming back. I've figured it out"
" great! I'll unlock the door, just walk straight in"
"Thanks bro"

I hung up and reached the house.

I got out and ran to the door, swinging it open. They both looked at me and gave me a hug. "We've been worried. I was going to see Sam soon, he hasn't came down yet." "Fuck, can I see him?" "Go ahead" I smile and run up to his room.

Sam's POV
One cut.
Two cut.
Three cut.
I stopped slitting my wrist as I heard noises outside. I quickly gathered my things and stuffed them under my bed and pulled my sleeves down. I winced at the pain and my door opened. "Sam?" "C-Colby?!"

I look at him and I've never felt more sad yet happy.
He ran up to me, hugging me tightly, crying. I cried into his chest and gripped his hoodie. "I figured it out, it's me and Brennan, isn't it?" He felt me nod and sighs. He leans back and looks in my eyes. More tears fell from his.

He put his left hand on my cheek, leaned closer and kissed me. My eyes widened, stomach turning, feeling like it's doing cartwheels all over the place, my heart was pounding and it just felt so good. I closed my eyes and kissed him back, slowly. After a while he pulled back and smiled at me. "I love you, Sam" "I love you too, Colby" "Oh God, I'm so sorry" he started crying again and I hugged him. "Don't be, it's my fault" "No, it's mine. I shouldn't of been like that." "It was okay, I was just jealous" "I can tell" he laughs softly and I smile pushing his forward so he's facing me.
"But now you know why"

He smiled and looks down and his smile dropped. "S-Sam?" "Yeah?" "W-why is there b-blood on your fingers?" I pulled my sleeves over my fingers and tried not to react to the pain. "It's nothing" "Don't lie, Sammy. Please" his eyes started to water again and I sighed. "I'm sorry" "I was the reason for this. I said I would never hurt you. I'm a terrible person" his tears fell and he out his face in his hands. With my other hand, I ran my fingers through his hair. "No you're not. You're amazing. You came back for me."
"I will always come back for you. After all, you're my waterslide buddy" I laugh and he carefully pulls my sleeve up. "Sam" he whispers seeing little drops of bleed still seep out. "Do you have anything to cover it?" I nod and grab my box, everything in there was messy from when I pushed it in  there.

He grabbed the bandage and wrapped it round my hand and wrist. I sucked in a breath when it stung. "Sorry" "it's fine". Once he was done he kissed it and looked at me. " promise it will never happen again?" "I promise"

No they are not dating yet. There's going to be a special chapter for that soon.
Well Jack and Brennan are working together... Damnnn.
Until next time...
Byee ❤

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