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My alarm clock rang and I jolted awake, I checked the time and it read 6:38am. I groaned when I remembered the fact that I'm starting a new school today. Despite the anxiety within me rising, missing the first day of school was inevitable. So I got out of bed and proceeded to do my usual morning routine. I headed back to my room and got changed. I hadn't put much thought into how I wanted my appearance to be so instead I styled my hair into a messy bun, applied concealer ever so lightly and topped it off with mascara.

Following on, I made my way downstairs and made myself some breakfast and I had a few minutes left before I had to get to school. I finished as fast as I could. Before I left, i grabbed my keys and locked the door to my apartment, dreading as I made my way to my new place of education. I recently moved to Seoul, because I didn't like it back in England. Don't get me wrong it was lovely but it was too damp, the weather itself has a severe case of bipolar, you would never be able to get the weather forecast right. I knew Korean well, however it was broken in certain ways, I am currently still learning it because I want to become fluent in it.

I reached my new school on time and went to the head teacher's office. Gently knocking on the door, hearing a soft but firm voice call out, "Come in", I peeped in to see a beautiful woman at her desk typing away on her keyboard, she looked at me, taking off her glasses slightly and smiled at me, "Welcome! You must be Evelyn Neveah" she said with enthusiasm in her voice. I nodded and the headteacher replied, "I'm Mrs Park, pleased to meet you. I hope you enjoy your time here with us" she handed me my timetable amongst other necessities.

I got ready for my first class, which was of course chemistry. God knows how much I hated this subject. Having no idea where that was I asked a student and she didn't hesitate to take me there, along the way she introduced herself to me, "Hi, I'm Reina, I transferred here recently, it was hard having to find my way around here with no help, but as the days passed I memorised my classes and its routes. So if you need any help, come to me okay? I will gladly help you, I hope we can become friends" she gave me a smile which showed her defined dimples, she was so gorgeous, she had a gorgeous golden tan that would glow so beautifully under the lights, she bid me goodbye and left after I thanked her.

I entered my class and the teacher announced to the class, "Everyone we have a new student here with us" the teacher gestured to me, "Please introduce yourself" oh great, I turned to the class trying to hide the shakiness in my voice, "Hello, I'm Evelyn, please look after me well". I heard whispers, and one arrogant boy saying, 'I'll look after you well' I rolled my eyes at the rude and immature comment and sat down.

I started on the worksheet given by the teacher as he studied a textbook when a loud bang was heard, I jumped in my seat when seven boys barged in causing a ruckus and startled everyone in the class. The teacher shouted, "What's the excuse this time?!" one of the seven replied, "Sorry sir we were late to school" the seven boys snickered and the teacher scoffed, "Late to school- yeah okay, go sit down, you still have your detentions" the teacher muttered incoherent words under his breath. I avoided all eye contact with them out of fear, I just knew that they're the type of boys to start a fight with you if they caught you looking at them. After a few minutes I looked up thinking they'd be sat down, but I couldn't have been any more wrong. One of the boys looked at me, his vibrant brown eyes glaring deeply into mine, I turned away swiftly knowing very well my face was completely red. fuck.

I continued doing my work peacefully, until one of them kicked my chair, I didn't turn around. I was still far too scared but the kicking continued, and I was getting a little pissed off. I had enough of him and raised my hand, the teacher looked at me and nodded, "Yes?" I replied, "Excuse me, Sir the idiot behind me keeps kicking my chair which is distracting me from my work" he looked at the aforementioned boy, "Taehyung, stop kicking her chair"  Taehyung replied with a simple stern "No"
"Detention after school Taehyung!" The teacher yelled and a scoff was heard.

Taehyung was annoyed, and Evelyn had no idea of it, no idea of the thoughts that roamed through his head.

The bell rang signalling the next lesson which was maths. I followed some students to make my way there, when suddenly my wrist was pulled by none other than himself, Taehyung. He had slammed me against the wall, his arms trapping me, "Idiot? And detention because of the new girl?" Taehyung questioned tauntingly. Snapping back to reality, I pushed him off me and began walking away, "Where do you think you're going? I'm not done talking with you, you call me an idiot and think you can get away with it by causing me detention. The detention I don't even care for, it's you, you're my problem. You just disregard me and walk around like you own the place... Little heads up Evelyn, it won't be the last time we're together like this and that's a promise" purposely nudging into my shoulder leaving me completely confused.

He's actually offended because I called him for what he is. Pathetic.


well guys this is my very first fanfic.
please show a lot of love
enjoy (:
thank you <3
and yes I've made some major changes.

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