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I woke up to see no one next to me. I did my morning routine, but no one was downstairs. I was so scared. Where did they all go? I sat on the sofa, my eyes feeling heavy and the next thing I know everything becomes black.

"Evelyn, get up" I felt someone shaking me, I opened my eyes and saw Taehyung "Where were you all this morning?! I was so scared" I said, "Evelyn, calm down we were just on a mission and next time if you're tired go upstairs" he replied coldly then rolled his eyes.

I sat there in shock, did I do something?

I felt so guilty for talking to Evelyn like that. But that was a part of our mission and to get her birthday surprise ready, everything was going according to plan. So today we are acting as if we don't know it's her birthday.

I walk upstairs to see Evelyn, my heart hurts. I woke her up and she sat up but her eyes were not looking at me. I felt awful, but I had to. "Get ready we have to go somewhere" I bluntly said and walked out of the room. After closing the door, I could hear faint crying. I just wanted to run in there but I couldn't. I walked downstairs and told the guys, they felt guilty but told me that I'd eventually make it up to her.

I sat on the sofa, now it's time to take her to Jeju. She came, I stood up and looked at her. I could see her eyes red. I'm so sorry Evelyn. I took her hand and brought her to the car and she got in without saying anything. I walked to my side and got in.

I started the car, it was silent and I could see her eyes closing and she fell asleep. I smiled.

We reached Jeju and Evelyn was still asleep, yes! I got out of the car. I opened her door and took her in my arms, bridal style.

I went inside the hotel and we went into our room. I laid her on the bed, admiring her beautiful face, I kissed her forehead and grabbed my phone.

I messaged the guys and they told me that they have already arrived and set up Evelyn's surprise. I went to go and wake her up, I shook her and she woke up. She sat on the bed, I grabbed the blindfold and tied it around her eyes. She tensed, "Taehyung what are you doing?" she croaked, I didn't answer her, "Stand up" I demanded, she hesitated at first but got up.I grabbed her hand and I could feel her shaking. Oh god I'm scaring her.

I started walking, but she tried to pull back, but I still had her hand in mine, "Come on Evelyn, don't make this hard just walk" I swear I could her faintly sniffling, when we reached the destination, I took off her blindfold, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" the boys shouted, Evelyn was shocked, she didn't say anything. I stood in front of her and she cried, "What the hell Taehyung?! You really scared me today, I thought you were going to kill me or send me off somewhere!" Taehyung started chuckling and pulled me into a hug, "Don't cry, I could never do that to you, I love you so much, Happy Birthday my Babyqueen", he pulled me into a long passionate kiss.

I pulled away and wiped her tears, I reached in my pocket and got down on one knee, "Evelyn Neveah, I know we didn't meet properly, we didn't start off well, but I know in the end we both fell for each other and our love for each other grew deeper. Evelyn, I love you so much, I can't let you go, I need you in my life. My life won't be complete without you and I definitely don't want you to disappear again. Miss Evelyn Neveah, will you do the honour of marrying me?" She was crying, she screamed, "Yes! Yes I will, Kim Taehyung!" I smiled and got up, I put the ring on and pulled her in to hug, in the end we ended up celebrating her birthday.

We were both in bed and Evelyn laid in my arms. "Tae?" She called me, "What is it baby?" I asked. "Please don't think I'm rushing, but can we have our wedding as soon as possible? I don't want to lose you, I just want to be married to you" she answered.

"Sure baby, anything for you, how about a week from today?" I asked, "Perfect" she exclaimed, I pecked her head, "Let's sleep, my gorgeous girl" and with that we both fell asleep.

Wedding Day

Me and Tae planned our wedding and we were doing it outside. The inspiration came from the movie, Twilight.

After getting ready, I went to go and see Tae, I walked in to see him kissing Hani. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, "After all this time I thought you changed", I didn't stay to hear what he had to say. Not knowing where I was going, Suddenly, everything went black and I heard Taehyung shout my name...

"Evelyn!" I cried running to her, I pulled out my phone and called the ambulance. After a few minutes, I heard the sirens coming, and they took her into the vehicle. I got into the car along with the boys. I immediately ran in and impatiently waited outside, until the doctor came out andI dropped to my knees.

Everything was done, I placed the flowers on her grave.

In Loving Memory


Evelyn Neveah

May She Rest In Peace

I sat beside her grave, I cried my eyes out, "Evelyn, why did you run away? Hani came onto me, you saw it all wrong! You saw it all wrong Evelyn,it's all my fault and now you're gone! I can't believe you're gone! I'm so lonely without you my dear Evelyn, I need you."


I got up and grabbed the things I needed. I wrote my note next to the tree. I wrapped the rope around the tree, I put it around my neck and jumped, my last thoughts full of Evelyn and my brothers through thick and thin.

Seokjin went to put out the trash, he looked around to see something hanging, He saw Taehyung hanging, he screamed, he shouted for everyone. They cried and weeped to his lifeless body and read the note he left behind.

I'm sorry guys,

I couldn't live without her,

I needed her.

It's all my fault,

I'm with her now...

I'll always be with you.

Thanking you for taking care of me,

Goodbye, my brothers, I love you.


We got on our knees, hugged each other and cried. Goodbye, Taehyung.


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