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Pacing up and down, not knowing what to do, Evelyn is missing, she is not at her apartment nor is she at Reina's. I know this because they are the only two places I know of and neither of them held her presence.

Evelyn has been missing for 2 days straight and the boys are growing suspicious. They know I'd never let her go, so why isn't she here? They're going to ask questions and I'm going to face my consequences, whatever they may be, I rightfully deserve it.

I stopped pacing in my tracks when I heard Yoongi ask the very question I feared being asked, "Where is Evelyn?" I couldn't say anything, Yoongi only grew furious to my silence, "Where the fuck is Evelyn? Don't you dare make me ask you a third time, Taehyung."

It scared me to see Yoongi like this, he's never let his anger out on any of us. Witnessing this for the first time, I'm truly terrified, but it is my fault. Swallowing my saliva, I began to tell them about the past events that occured.

"About 2 days ago, Evelyn asked me if she could go visit her friend. Since you guys were gone, I decided to go to the pub and I got completely wasted." I sighed heavily and after a long pause, I continued. "I... had sex with another girl and Evelyn witnessed it happening and ran away. I tried searching for all the places she could possibly be in but to no avail she wasn't at any of them. I'm sorry, I've lost her. I'm unsure of her whereabouts."

I sat down regretfully with tears threatening to pour. Yoongi was furious so much so he was ready to punch me, but Jeongguk stopped him.

Yoongi blew his steam, "Are you fucking serious right now, Taehyung? Evelyn is amazing! You kidnap her out of your so called love for her, you become a possessive freak, you claim that you love her and STILL had the AUDACITY to mate with some other person? You couldn't keep that shit in your pants? No Taehyung no, you've crossed the line. You're absolutely oblivious to Evelyn's worth, and you most definitely do not deserve her. It pisses me off that she's in love with your pathetic ass."

Taehyung sat in silence feeling the guilt, the pain and the heavy regret. Jeongguk let go of Yoongi as his intention of beating him black and blue, vanished.

After a moment of silence, "I know. I know what I am. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry to you all. But please, I only ask one thing from all of you, please help me find Evelyn." Taehyung spoke while crying in desperation.


Possessive LoverWhere stories live. Discover now