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I hung up on her and cried so hard trying not to make any noises. Before I knew it I drifted to sleep.

After Evelyn had fallen asleep, Taehyung came in to the room, he stood there watching her sleeping figure. He admired how beautiful she looked even whilst sleeping, there were tears on her face but he kissed them away. He sat down next to her and spoke, "Evelyn, I know you can't hear me but a lot has happened to you and I know I could not protect you most of the times... But I just wanted you to know that I love you so much, more than anything. I'm so glad we met because without you Evelyn, our lives would have been so boring, thank you my love, thank you for being the light of our lives, I love you." he went down and kissed her forehead and got in to bed drifting to sleep, but little did he know she had heard the whole thing.

I looked at my phone to see that it was 4am, I quietly got out of bed and looked at Taehyung, my tears almost fell but I stopped them before they could. I packed up all my things and got ready to leave. I went downstairs and wrote a letter for them all.

Hi, I'm going to write this quickly so that my tears don't fall haha..

Guys, thank you so much for making my life a whole lot of fun. I know we didn't meet properly but ever since I got to know you all, you're all so sweet and amazing. But the main reason why I'm leaving is because...

I'm getting in the way of your friendship.. Ever since I have lived with you, I have seen this special bond between you all and I have realised that no one can come in between you guys.

But I did.. Tae, Jimin and Yoongi grew feelings for me...

But your love for me got in the way of your friendship and I don't want that. I don't want Yoongi hitting Tae or Jimin because of their mistakes and I don't want you guys always arguing because I'm constantly getting kidnapped...

But now none of that will ever happen because I'm going to leave you all in peace. I'm so glad I met you and I will never forget any of you.. But guys please forget about me and move on.

Be happy and keep smiling because it suits you.

Don't cry okay?

I love you all so so much.

Bye, my loves.


After I had finished writing the letter, I put it in an envelope and left it on the table. I grab my things and I looked back once more before leaving. A tear escaped my eye... Goodbye.

I felt the sun shining on my face, I rubbed my eyes and it felt empty. I looked to see Evelyn wasn't here, I look around the room and it felt incredibly empty.

"Evelyn!" I shouted but I got no answer.

"Taehyung, what's with the shouting?" Jeongguk asked me.

"I can't find Evelyn" I ran downstairs and noticed a letter on the table. One by one each of the members had come down worried.

I opened it and read it. At the end of the letter, each of us had tears in our eyes. I dropped to the floor and I shouted, "Evelyn! No please!" I cried so hard as Seokjin comforted me. All of us sat on the sofa, we all made up, no arguments, no hatred, for the sake of ourselves but also you, Evelyn.

Goodbye Evelyn.

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