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If Taehyung was here, that means the others weren't far behind, I have to play stupid. I dropped my phone without realising, it shocked me and brought me back to reality.

I bent over and picked up my phone until I saw them crossing the street, I grabbed my bags and walked really quickly.

Inevitably, my wrist had been pulled, I looked up to see that it was Taehyung, "Evelyn, is that you?" I didn't know what to say, so I said the first thing that popped into my head, "Oh, I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong person." As I was about to walk away, I saw Jonghyun running up to me, "Evelyn!" He came up to me, looking at all the guys, then looked at me, "Do you know these people?" I looked at them, "No. Let's go home." Jonghyun put his arm around my waist then we continued walking home.

I reached my apartment and bid him goodbye. I shut the door and locked it. I leaned on the door slowly sliding down to the floor. I hugged my knees and thought to myself, No it can't be them... Why are they here?!

I stood up, took off my clothes and I went into the shower. After some deep thinking I finally got out. I looked at the clock and saw it was 9:30pm. I was hungry but tired so I made myself some pot noodles and ate them.

After finishing I got a message from my group chat with the boys.


Changjo(Choi Jonghyun): Yo, Evelyn after work wanna chill with us?

Niel(Ahn Daniel): Yeah come on, Evelyn we really miss you!

C.A.P(Bang Minsoo): Nah you have to come Evelyn, you can't say no.

You: Sure I might as well, I have nothing to do haha.

Ricky(Yoo Changhyun): Yay thanks Evelyn, see you tomorrow!

Chunji(Lee Chanhee): Finally, Evelyn, you should go to sleep now!

You: Yup, I was just about to sleep anyways bye guys sleep well I love youu ♡

Lhoe(Lee Byunghun): Sleep well Evelyn, we love you too.

You logged off.

C.A.P logged off.

Chunji logged off.

Niel logged off.

Lhoe logged off.

Ricky logged off.

Changjo logged off.

You smiled at the conversation. You really loved them all so much, they are more like family than your friends.

You turned off your phone and went to sleep.

You heard ringing from your phone, you turned it off and went back to sleep. A few minutes later the alarm had gone off, you once again turned it off and this time you woke up.

You got out of bed, brushed your teeth, put your hair into a bun and put on your clothes. You fixed your bed and went downstairs. You made yourself a hot drink. After you had finished, you washed your plates and you set off for work.

Grabbed your keys and drove to work, you entered your class and the children greeted you.

One by one they greeted you goodbye, you got a message from the group and Changjo messaged telling you to get ready and would pick you up in a few. You got into your car and drove home. You took off your clothes and put them into the washing basket and you had a quick shower. After deciding what to wear, you put on your clothes, apply a decent amount of makeup, and finally put your hair into two french braids.

The doorbell had rung and you opened the door to see Minsoo at the door. He smiled at you, then held your hand, "Let's go Evelyn" you nodded and walked to the car together.

When you both got inside, all of your friends greeted you in which you greeted them back. On the way, you were staring out of the window, when suddenly you saw them, you widen your eyes and looked once again to see nothing. You just thought that it was nothing, you're just imagining things.

You finally reached your destination and saw that it was a bar. You looked at the guys and they could tell you were annoyed. But they told you to cheer up and have fun.

As soon as you entered the boys went their own way, you gave up and sighed. You went to sit, and the bartender asked you what you wanted but you didn't want anything so you told him.

After a while I got bored, I saw Chanhee flirting with a girl, I told him that I was going but he didn't care, I sighed and left the bar.

Whilst walking on my way home, I was distracted by a cat walking by, after a few pats and hisses, I carried on walking. I had my head down as I was kicking a stone, I bumped into someone. "Oh sor-" I looked up to see Namjoon, my eyes widened as I took another step back until I bumped into another person. I turned around to see Hoseok, I ran past him and kept on running, until someone grabbed me and pulled me by my waist, I looked up to see Taehyung. I kept punching him in the shoulder telling him to let me go, he pulled me even closer to him and injected me.


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