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I really miss Reina and I haven't seen her in forever. I went downstairs to see Taehyung talking to Jimin and Hoseok.

I walked up to him and sat beside him. I didn't really pay attention to their conversation, until they both left and went into the kitchen.

Tae turned around to see me, "Oh hey Evelyn, I didn't notice you sitting here, you didn't hear what we were talking about right?" I replied, "Nope, I didn't why?" He replied, "Oh it's nothing petal don't worry so what's up, are you okay?" He asked and I thought long and hard about what it was I wanted to ask him.

"OH! Right I remembered, can I go and see
Reina I haven't seen her in ages and I really miss her. Please can I go?" he pretended to think as I already knew his answer, "Hm, sure baby but be back soon ok? Also please
Evelyn, please be safe" I squealed "Thanks Taeby! I love you and I will be!" I pecked him on the cheek and got ready.

I went to get ready whilst texting Reina and she said she's free, her house wasn't far so I walked it.

I finally reached and knocked on her door, she opened it and I screamed then attacked her with a tight hug, "Reina! I've missed you so much! I haven't seen you in forever!" She giggled, "I know Evelyn missed you too it wasn't same without your annoying and bubbly self."

I sat down on the sofa and Reina made hot drinks for us so we just talked, "What's new then?" She asked me. I didn't really talk until I finally had the guts to tell her but I didn't really know whether Tae was my boyfriend or not.

"I have a boyfriend."

Her eyes widened and she paused. "WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I'm sorry Reina.." I replied, "Ah it's okay, don't worry about it" She told me. I sipped the hot drink, realising it was bitter like coffee scrunching my face, "Ew, Reina I hate coffee, (A/N- I really do) you should know I do."


(still hate coffee my loves)


She seems pissed off, "Oi! I put my sweat and tears into that coffee trying to make it perfect, but I guess I failed" Now I felt really guilty, "I'm sorry Reina, I didn't mean to offend you! But at least you know that I don't like it." smiling sheepishly. "But, Reina, what's going on with you then?" Wiggling my eyebrows. She looked at me then turned away with pink appearing on her cheeks and her dimples evident.

"Reina..." I whispered

"Evelyn, I have a boyfriend too!" My eyes widened, "Oh my God, who?!" I shouted,"Well his name is Lucas and we met on the beach.. I can just say it was a match made in heaven. Awe! It was so ROMANTIC EVELYN!!" she squealed and I cheered for her.

"I'm happy for you Reina, he better treat you well or else he'll have me to deal with" I told her firmly, "Don't worry Evelyn, he treats me like I'm the only girl in the world." she assured me.

I looked at my watch and I was super shocked and looked at Reina, "Woah! We spent so much time together that I didn't even notice how late it was.. damn time does go by quick when you're having fun." I said bye to Reina and messaged Taeby, letting him know I'm coming home.

On my way I saw Tae sitting on the bench not by himself, but hugging a girl...


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