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"That no good son of a bitch, he's fucking taken her!"


I slammed my fist against the wall, right under my fucking nose this bastard has taken Evelyn... my Evelyn, no.. NO! He can't do this to me! Fucking prick!" I roared out. The boys had calmed me down and it had come to a realisation that we couldn't seek any way to find Evelyn, he purposely left her tracking chip here, vicious bastard. It could be days, months or maybe even years without her..

NO! No Unknown no! Why have you done this to me...? You knew you fucker! you knew well how much she meant to me..

I fell to my knees and cried.

A little while later Seokjin came up to me, "So there's no way to find her?" I looked up to him, "No" with my tears swelling up and shaking my head. Jin sighs sadly and hugged me whilst telling me to go eat.. because Evelyn wouldn't want me to starve.


Yes yes yes I finally have her! I couldn't wait to hold her in my arms. I finally have what's mine, I looked into the rear view mirror to see my angel sleeping, she's so cute. I felt a pang of guilt inside of me but Evelyn has always been mine, I want her and I ALWAYS get what I want.


(spoilt brat🙄)


I'm currently laying on my bed looking at the empty space where Evelyn would be right now... I miss her so much that it's hurting me.. I can't take this pain. Evelyn, where are you? Come back to me please, I miss you so much.

My tears fell onto her pillow until I slowly drifted to sleep, "I love you Evelyn..."

I woke up in a room I wasn't familiar with, I tried to move my arm but I was chained and saw that my feet were too. I looked around, my breathing became erratic, my heart was pounding and I knew this wasn't normal. I couldn't feel Tae's warmth around me. It's happening again! Taehyung, save me please!

I heard the door rattling open to reveal...


















A/N- Well are my angels shooked??? Sorry for the extremely long gap, hehehe did any one expect it??

Enjoy my beautiful angels I love you💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

HAHAHA! oh my godddddd I remember writing this! My cousin was staying over and she was reading this and when she saw that it was Jimin, I looked at her AND IF LOOKS COULD KILL GUYS... 😂

I love you angels! 🤍

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