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He's pushed me to the limit I can't fucking take it, I'm going to go insane. I'm crazy for her. I need her now, she's my drug. I'll only feel right if I'm with her. I know I'm being selfish, but my love can't be helped unless I have her. I'm sorry Taehyung.


My beautiful Evelyn in my arms, I can't wait to finally call her mine forever. My baby looks so peaceful sleeping, like an angel, I can't wake her up, she looks so cute! I took a picture of her and set it as my home screen, she's so cute..

I shook her gently, "Wake up Evelyn" she groaned in her sleep, "Just a few more minutes please" I chuckled at her she's just too cute, "Sweetheart if you don't wake up I'll kiss you" I warned her and she didn't move so I leaned down to kiss her and she shot up with her hair messy, "Wha- what happened?" she asked, which means she doesn't know. I replied, "Nothing baby, come on get dressed and go downstairs."

I came down to see Seokjin making breakfast and sat at the table, he asked me, "Hey Taehyung, the guys and I decided we're going to play pool like the old times want to come?" I thought about it, "Sure" I replied and he continued, "Don't worry about Evelyn, Unknown, will stay home and stay with her. He says he doesn't want to go because he doesn't feel well" he assured me, I just nodded and decided to tell Evelyn later.

Taehyung and the guys were getting ready, he told me Unknown would stay home because he's not feeling too well. Besides I didn't want to go either because of yesterday, even though it was super fun I'm still a little laggy from it.

Anyways when they had left, Unknown sat on the sofa and watched TV. It was so silent until Unknown broke it, "So why didn't you go?" he asked me, I replied, "I'm still a little tired from yesterday" He chuckled at my answer and continued to watch TV.

I went on my phone and Taehyung rang me, as we were talking, Unknown stormed off, I was so confused but maybe he needed the toilet. So I continued talking with Taehyung until he had to go. Unknown was not back yet so I sat on the sofa watching Friends.


Yes! Now is my chance, I thought. Without any of them here I can continue my plan. I walked into the living room to see Evelyn laughing, I crept up behind her placing a cloth over her mouth until she passed out.

I wrote a letter for them, for him

'I'm sorry Taehyung... But you shouldn't have taken what was mine..'

I put her in my car and drove off to our destination.. I looked at her with delight. I finally have you my love..


We finished playing so we were on our way home and all the lights were out. Evelyn must be asleep. Making our way in and the house felt extremely strange. We called out Unknown's name but no reply. We looked in all the bedrooms and they were all empty.

"Taehyung!" Seokjin shouted. He held something in his hands. I took it and read what was written on it. I scrunched it up and punched the wall.

"That no good son of a bitch, he's fucking taken her!"

A/N- So do my angels have any idea on who it might be??

I guess we'll find out soon.

I love you my beautiful Angels💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

AAAA!! It's all coming back to me now when I first made this, I was in high school oh my god and now I'm college D: time really does fly..

Make the most of it angels, it really does pass by.

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