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I was shocked to hear what happened to Kihyun. It was so sudden but I didn't take it to mind after all he had done to me and now I don't have to be afraid anymore.

I saw Tae watching TV. I was pretty bored so I went up to him, I sat beside him snuggling up to him, "Taee" He wrapped his arms around my waist "Yeah babe?" he asked "I'm bored Taeby, can we go out please?" he kissed me on top of my head, "Sure beautiful" I pecked his lips, but before I could run upstairs he pulled me back into a long, passionate kiss.

I ran upstairs to get ready, after getting changed, I came down and put on my coat. We decided to go to this cute café so we got into his car and drove off. The ride was quite long and without realising I fell asleep.

"Baby wake up" I woke up to feel Tae shaking my leg then pecking me on the lips, "We're here baby" he told me, I looked out of the window and it was so cute, "Come on let's go."

We got out of the car and entered the café, I told him what I wanted, so he went to go and order.

The waiting took forever, until I felt something on my thigh, I looked up not to Tae but some random guy, "Hey, what's a beautiful girl like you doing out here alone?" he asked, I was about to answer until I heard a deep gruff voice, "Get the fuck away from her."

I looked up to see Tae holding what we ordered, he placed it on to the table, he walked up to the guy whilst gritting his teeth together, "Don't touch something that's not yours, now whilst I'm being nice get the fuck out of here, you disgusting pervert" he said nonchalantly. The creep got up and left. "Are you ok baby?" he sat down next to me caressing my thigh and pecked me, "I'm fine taeby thank you for saving me." I giggled.

They both talked and ate until they had finished, it was getting pretty late so they made their way home, but this time they both stayed awake.

Reaching home they walked in to see no one downstairs, the boys had gone to sleep. They both showered together and fell asleep.

I was currently eyeing Evelyn and Yoongi so close together laughing at something on Yoongi's phone. Yoongi's arm was around Evelyn's waist and Evelyn's arm was around his shoulder, I was so angry watching the two so close together. Yoongi and I, we're civil but that doesn't give him the right to touch Evelyn, she's mine.

Yoongi had fallen asleep in his bedroom and Evelyn went to sleep in ours. I walked in to see her sound asleep. I sat beside her admiring her beautiful face, I trace my fingers on her face down to her beautiful lips. I stared at her for a while and kissed her bare shoulder. Evelyn is mine, Yoongi and nobody else is allowed to touch her.

Soon I'll make it so that she belongs to me, even if it means ending lives...


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