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I was awake in bed with a smile on my face. Yesterday Tae was so cute to me. I couldn't stop thinking about it, I really loved it. Whilst thinking about yesterday, I heard Tae ask, "What are you smiling about?" To which I answered, "I was just thinking about yesterday. Tae you were so cute and sweet to me " Tae gave me a kiss, "Awe Evelyn, you're so cute, I'm really glad you liked it."

I had a shower, dried myself and got changed, after I was done I went down. I saw all the boys together on the sofa talking, but when they noticed me they immediately stopped talking and made their way to eat breakfast. I sat down and asked them, "What were you guys talking about?" Tae replied, "Oh. We were just talking about what we're going to do today" I nodded and continued eating my breakfast.

When everyone was done I cleaned with Seokjin, so I sat down on the table whilst on my phone. "Evelyn?" I looked up to see Yoongi looking at me, "Yes?" I replied, "Go and get ready, we're going shopping" he smiled at me. I went upstairs to grab the things I needed.

As soon as Evelyn went upstairs I spoke to the guys, "So as I was saying yesterday, tomorrow is her birthday, but we should all act like we don't know, so I'll take her out somewhere but then make my way to Jeju Island, I've already booked our stay, so everything is settled for now, let's make tomorrow special for her" they all agreed with my plan, as soon as we finished, Evelyn came sprinting down.

"Alright let's go!" Jin Hyung shouted, we all went into the car, Evelyn sat next to me with my arm around her waist, suddenly she gasps, "Guys, can we have a movie night?!" Namjoon Hyung replied, "Sure Evelyn." she squealed whilst clapping her hands, everyone chuckled at her cuteness and I pecked her on the cheek.

When we reached, we all got out of the car, Evelyn spoke, "I'll be going by myself, I'll text you when I'm done. So meet me at Mochi's Cafè okay? Bye guys!" she left with a big grin on her face, we all looked at each other confused but shrugged it off.

This is how we planned it: Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok. Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi. I went by myseld to find a present for Evelyn. Whilst walking past the shops, I couldn't find anything until I reached a jewellery shop. I went inside, I looked around and I couldn't find anything good enough for her. However, this really beautiful necklace and ring set caught my eye. I bought this one and wrapped it for her. I left the shop and walked around looking for other things.

Yes! We are having a movie night and I know exactly what we're going to wear ONESIES! They're going to look so precious! After I bought them, I went to go and buy food for tonight.

I texted all the guys that I was done and told them to meet me at the café. When I reached there, I ordered a milkshake and sat down. I got a message from the guys telling me they are coming. After I put my phone away, I got another message from my group chat.


Changjo: Hey Evelyn! It's been quite some time, how are you?

You: Omg! I miss you guys.

You: Yeah I'm doing well, how are you?

Changjo: We're doing good, I'm with them all right now, we're having a game night. You know, we should all hang out sometime, well I gotta go they're calling me, bye Evelyn!

You: I'm glad you're doing well, yeah we should, bye have fun!

All users logged off.

I smiled at my phone until I heard someone say, "What are you smiling at?" I looked up to see all the guys, I replied, "Oh, nothing" I put my phone away and took a sip of my milkshake. We all got up, left the cafe and continued our way home.

When we reached home, I shouted, "Guys! Come here, I have something to show you all" they all came and sat on the sofa, "Okay so, because we are having a movie night, I picked out something for all of you to wear" I grabbed the bag and pulled them out, "Onesies! Aren't they so cute?" They didn't look too happy apart from Seokjin. "Evelyn, I love it thank you!" he hugged me and took it to his room, "Oh come on guys, it's going to be really fun" they all smiled and took their onesies, Tae was the last one to grab his. When everyone went upstairs he grabbed me by my waist and whispered in my ear, "I love it babygirl, thank you" before I could answer he pulled me into a soft kiss.

We all got changed into our onesies ready for movie night, we were watching Insidious. I brought the food onto the table in front of us. I sat next to Tae and we cuddled together. The film was so scary the only thing I watched was Tae's chest.

The film had ended, I put everything away. I was too tired to walk up the stairs so Tae carried me to bed. We got into bed, my eyes drifting, Tae kissed my forehead, "Goodnight, Evelyn".


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