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Those two words alone raised anger in all of us. Just what the fuck happened between Evelyn and that tyrant for her to spew out such words so easily. He must've blackmailed her, fucking bastard.

3hrs before

I was on my way to the hospital where Kihyun was recovering. I entered and went to the reception to ask where Kihyun's room was. I told her that he's the father of my child so she let me through to see him, as much as it pained me to say it, I had to if I wanted to settle this once and for all with this bastard.

I made my way to find his room, until I finally saw his name just outside where he was laying. I entered without knocking to see Kihyun sat up on the bed looking up at the ceiling.

Immediately, he turned his head to the sound of the door but smirked when he laid his eyes upon me, "I didn't expect to see you here" he coldly said. "Well you're the father of my child." His eyes widened but not a second after it turned into a smile, which made me furious. "You're fucking smiling? You fucking raped me, wipe that pathetic look off of your face before I fucking do it myself you scumbag!" I yelled at him.

He chuckled, "I would watch that mouth if I were you, Evelyn." purposely dragging out my name. Everytime it sent shivers down my spine. "I know who put me in hospital, it was your little friend, Jeongguk."

He continued, "I have a deal if you stay with me, live with me, be my wife, just you, me and the baby, I will drop charges against Jeongguk, but if you don't, Evelyn.. I will make sure he gets sent down for all his life and you know I can do that." The fucking nerve on him, I couldn't believe how fucking sick this man was. "Once I do that, every single day I'll be after you, to torture you until I have you next to me. No matter what you choose, you'll be mine, but I believe the latter isn't the path you'd want to go down right?. So, with that being said Evelyn, what's your decision?" He asked.

My heart exploded, he was right. Jeongguk has his whole life ahead of him, I won't let him become a criminal. I'll have to go with him, I'll leave the guys in peace. This alone pains me knowing that he would be in prison all because of me. With my decision made, I turned to him and told him.

"Fine. I'll do as you ask. But don't you dare lay a finger on any of them or I'll kill you my fucking self."

He smiled, then chuckled, "Well then it's settled, my wife."

What have I done?


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