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2 years later

Evelyn and Reina moved to Gwangju together. Evelyn works as a teacher.

"Bye kids, see you tomorrow!" You said whilst sitting at your desk waving at them.

When the kids left, you stretched your arms in the air, "Ah, another wonderful day" you stood and packed your things, as you were about to leave, Reina called you.

You- Hey, what's up?

Reina- Wanna come meet?

You- Sure! Come over.

Reina- See ya later!

Call Ended.

I opened the classroom door and exited, as I bowed down to some of the staff. As I made my way out, someone called my name, "Evelyn!" I turned around to see one of the teachers running up to me, "Oh! Hi Chanhee."

Chanhee is one of my best friends along with four other of our friends, "So what's up?" I asked, "I was wondering if you wanted to come and join us later?" he asked, "Sorry Chanhee, I'm going to hangout with Reina tonight, maybe another time okay?" I replied, "Alright, take care Evelyn." he waved at me then left.

I got home, I showered, dried my hair and got changed. I sat on the sofa and Reina messaged me telling me she'd be here soon.

I heard a knock on the door. I opened it knowing it was Reina. She engulfed me in to hug, squeezing me, I smacked her back signaling her to let go and she did. "So let's go!" She grabbed my arm and we went in her car as we were on our way to the shopping centre to purchase some things.

We reached town and Reina parked her car. We entered and there were so many nice things in the shops. There was this one dress that caught my eye. It was knee length, a royal blue dress with roses on it. I really wanted to get it but the price was overwhelming for a dress so simple.

Reina and I finally got some clothes in the end, so we decided to go and eat. We went to Subway and had our meal there. After we finished eating we went to this cute coffee shop. It was decorated with eight cute plushies on the sign, there was a bunny, a cookie, a love heart one and some others. We went in there, Reina had her coffee and I had my tea.

We both finished drinking, so I told Reina she could go home and I could walk my way home as there was really no point in her driving back and forth. She refused but with some convincing, she agreed in the end.

Whilst I was walking home, my phone started ringing. I looked at my phone and it was my best friend Changhyun. I sat on a bench whilst talking to him, and he told me a really funny joke. I laughed so hard, in the midst of my laughter, I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing...



I love my Angels ♡

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