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As time passed Taehyung became extremely possessive, when that certain tomorrow came I wasn't allowed to leave... So now my life is here in their home, he tells me that I can live my life normally but I have to live with him. During these times I got closer to Yoongi, he looked after me when Taehyung's possessive side took control and hurt me verbally. Yoongi basically became my best friend. Regardless of everything, I liked Taehyung.. What's wrong with me?

"Please Taehyung? I beg him, "Please can I go and see Reina, I'll come straight back to you I promise." Taehyung takes a sip of his bourbon and sighs, "Okay, but you must come straight back home" I squealed, "Thank you, Tae." I kissed his cheek and went to go and meet my best friend. Taehyung was home alone because the rest of the boys went out to handle some business, his bourbon had finished and wasn't happy about it so instead of going to buy more, he grabbed his jacket and went to the nearest pub.

"What a great time today, Reina! I've missed you so much." she replied, "I miss you all the time hun." I looked at the time and it was 10:00pm, "Shit, I better get going, it's pretty late, I love you Reina, take care, I miss you already!" I made my way home and it was pretty chilly, unlucky for me since I wore a thin cardigan but the home wasn't far so I'll live. I finally reached the house, putting my cardigan away, I called out for Taehyung "Tae!" But no answer, I went upstairs, I could faintly hear grunts and moans, looking into our room and regretting it. He is having sex with another girl, "Hope you're having fun" I wasted no time and ran out of the house, fuck this place, I'm going back to my apartment. Dickhead. This isn't love, it must be Stockholm syndrome.

Taehyung pushed the girl off and put on his gown and ran, he shouted after her, "EVELYN!" She heard his yells but remained oblivious and kept running but unfortunately, Taehyung had caught up to her and seized her by the arm, he threw her over his shoulder and took her back to the house.

I screamed at him to put me down, he obliged but pushed me on the bed, giving me no space to move and he forcefully kissed me with his tainted lips. I pushed him off and smacked him, "Don't do that shit with me Taehyung!" I shouted at him "I'm sorry" I scoffed and got up from the bed, when my wrist was pulled again, "How could you? Taehyung, don't you see? I like you, you fucking idiot, but I come home to see you doing this? You become this weird possessive person and I endure it all the damn time, why Taehyung? Because I fucking like you... So why must you hurt me like this?! I...I didn't ask for this... I never wanted any of this and then when you pull shit like this, you make me question myself, do I even love you?" I cried pushing him away and ran, I can't be here anymore.

I roared, grabbing my hair in frustration I messed everything up, 'Taehyung I like you, you fucking idiot!'. I am Evelyn, I am an idiot because I love you too... I questioned myself, "Why, why?!" I ran out the door trying to find her but she's gone... I breathe for air crying all the while not knowing what to do.

Where have you gone?

I'm sorry, Evelyn.


Possessive LoverWhere stories live. Discover now