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I laid on my bed, thinking about what Hoseok said. Now we finally have an idea of where Evelyn is. I got out of bed and walked downstairs. I saw Seokjin sitting down on his phone. I walked up to him and sat next to him, he looked at me and asked, "What's up Tae?" I sighed then replied, "Hyung, now that we have an idea where Evelyn is... Let's go to Busan" Jin paused for a while, when he answered, "Alright Tae, I'll tell the rest", "Thanks Hyung" with that I went upstairs and took a rest.

Taehyung was asleep and the rest of them were downstairs, so now would be the best time to tell them. I stood up, "Guys'' they all looked at me, "We're going to Busan, to find Evelyn since we think she could be there, so we'll go first thing tomorrow, so make sure to rest plenty." They nodded their heads and went to sleep, ready to go find Evelyn a second time.

Whilst on their way, the members had fallen asleep, apart from Seokjin who was driving.

They had finally reached Busan, until Seokjin had woken them all up, "Guys we've reached, wake up." he said. Waking up and checking outside, it was beginning to get dark, so they found the nearest hotel, they checked in, got into their rooms, went to sleep in order to have energy to look for Jimin's house.

The birds chirping and the sun shining on their faces, woke them up. There was no food in the room, so the boys went to the hotel café.

After they had eaten, it was time to find Jimin's house that he grew up in. They went into the car and after quite some time, the house was eventually discovered. The boys stood outside, then looked around to see which direction Jimin would most likely take when things got out of control. Weirdly enough, Jimin's house is near the woods... But he can't have possibly gone there right?

There was a moment of silence, whilst something suddenly popped up in Hoseok's head, "Jin Hyung!" I jumped in horror when I heard Hoseok screaming, when a memory of the past came to his thoughts, "Yes, Hoseok?" I asked, Hoseok replied, "I remember Jimin telling me that if you want to find his house, he said that it wasn't in an open site, but I didn't understand. Hyung do you have any idea what he meant?" he asked me.

I thought for a while, then the woods popped up in my head, "You can't possibly think?" they all knew what I was talking about. Their heads automatically turned towards the woods. "Stay with me, I don't want any of you getting lost" the five boys all walked towards me and we walked together as a group.

As they were walking, they approached a cute little cottage. They stopped for a moment, with the same thought roaming in their heads.

This can't be...

Jimin's home.


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