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I was still stuck alone in this cold room just wishing Yoongi would barge through the door. I desperately yearned for that. I just want to get out of here.

Therefore I made a plan. I'll play the seductive act that he desires. Once he's close enough, I'll strike him with the vase I've noticed in the room since I've been here, kick him in the back of his knee and I'll finally make my escape out of here. It may not work but I'd rather die trying.

"Did you have a nice sleep, Lyn? I brought food for you" I cringed at the nickname he gave me but I had to act accordingly for my escape plan to work. "I did." I thanked him quietly, he brought me closer to him. "So Evelyn, have you learned to be a good girl for me and obey my orders?" he said, taking a hold of my hair, kissing my neck, "Yes" I whispered, "I can't hear you doll, I need you to be louder for me, let me hear your voice as you say it." He said menacingly. I responded with an ambiguous, "Yes. I have."

I took this as my chance to play out my escape route. Unfortunately, this was the only way I could be successful, I got closer to Kihyun whilst he locked his eyes on my lips. Our lips touched and I wanted nothing more than for him to get off of me but if I wanted to escape then I must endure this to end my suffering right here and now.

I got up from the bed deepening the kiss, he pinned me to the wall which gave me greater access to the vase. Kihyun painfully squeezed my ass, making me gasp, which he took to his advantage and like a snake he slithered inside as if it was exploring a cave.

I reached for the vase carefully, trying not to look suspicious in any way, I almost gripped it however, he spun me around and began kissing my nape, losing my chance to grab it. So I did what I had to, I quickly spun him around and kicked his balls. I swiftly grabbed the vase and smashed it on his head, knocking him out cold.

I cried out in joy and ran out of the room, trying to look for the staircase. This house is a maze full of twists and turns. I finally found the staircase and ran down them, never looking back. I found the door to the outside, seeing that it was fucking bolted with so many locks. "NO!" I cried and screamed, smashing my fists against the door, "No! This can't be happening!"

I heard thuds upstairs and didn't waste a second to smash open the nearest window, taking no regard of the glass cutting my skin, "Fuck!" I grunted in pain, I slipped through the window, never caring about the cuts. I ran and ran, desperately making my way out of this forest. My ankle twisted and an alarm rang.

I looked towards the house, crawling behind a tree. My eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing. Kihyun stood proud and tall with not one or two but four dogs, two in each palm. If it wasn't for his bleeding head, it would seem like he hadn't just been smashed with a vase. His face twisted with anger, he looked fucking frightening. "EVELYN! You bitch! Run all you fucking want, but I promise you won't get far!" he roared out.

I suppressed my cries and got back up finding another way out as another barrier blocked me from escaping. Trying not to make any noise as his taunting voice could be heard, "You can run but you can't hide! You can't leave me! Do you hear me Evelyn?! You cannot leave me! I'm going to find you sweet girl, I promise you!" His devilish laughter followed after.

He let the snarling beasts loose. I ran and searched for corners, small walls I could climb over. Crying with tears of joy as I found a broken gate. I attempted to go through when I stopped dead in my tracks. Hearing heavy grunts and snarls, I slowly but silently turn around to see 8 red and furious eyes looking at me full of hunger, their mouths foaming, their teeth sharper than knives, I stood still not knowing how to act because any move I make would result a horrific death.

The dogs barked in synchronisation, God help me. There I heard it, the crunch of leaves in rhythm of his horrifying chuckle, my tears rolled as I was now helpless, just like he wanted. Kihyun stood still with a smug smile on him, "Aw, look who's pathetic little plan didn't work" He mocked me, taunted me whilst the dogs barked alongside him and I hated it. I felt so small, so helpless, trapped. Before I could look back at him I fell unconscious in his arms.

I gasped heavily as cold water splashed on me. I couldn't move, my hands and legs were tied to the bed. Thrashing around, wriggling my body attempting to escape knowing very well, it wasn't going to get me anywhere, I felt a slap across my face, "Shut the fuck up, Evelyn. Your pathetic screams are pissing me off, just shut up" Kihyun got on top of me, leaning closer to my face.

I looked away as the sight of him disgusted me, he grabbed my face aggressively, "LOOK at me, look at my face Evelyn. Look what you've done to it" I wanted to say something but bit back my remark. I needed to survive. He groaned and then chuckled, "You've fucked up my face, it's only fair that I fuck up yours right?" He pulled out a pocket knife and my heart palpitated. "No, no! Kihyun, please don't! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry please don't, don't do it!" desperately begging him to stop whatever he was going to do, "Evelyn, shut up now. This will only hurt a lot" he chuckled and placed the knife slightly deep in my skin, starting from my cheekbone and making his way down, he held my head still as I continued to let out screams, I began to feel a little light headed and passed out from the unbearable pain.

T/W you have been warned.

I was awakened again by the freezing cold water, as well as the excruciating pain on my face as the water came into contact with my scar. I couldn't cry anymore, I feel so tired my body hurts. "Awake again, now doesn't that feel better, you were given the same pain you gave to me" I didn't know what to say, I'm stuck here now, please just kill me.

Kihyun got on top of me and took off my bra and underwear, my tears rolled down my face as I knew what was about to come next. He grabbed the flogger, and roughly struck my body. I screamed as it came into contact with my skin, he put it down when he was satisfied. Sadistic bastard.

He kissed my forehead, "My sweet miserable girl, you're going to feel the same pain you gave to me when you kicked me" he began to undress himself on got on top of me, my tears streaming down my face, "P-please Kihyun, please just k-kill me instead, I-I can't take a-anymore, kill me." I croaked out, he chuckled at my helpless self, "Kill you? No baby, this is just the beginning... you're mine forever."

Forever... Please kill me, anyone... I felt the sharp, agonising pain in the lower part of my
body, his grunts consistent.. my voice gone, my throat dry, no will to fight anymore... I'm sorry Taehyung, I'm sorry Yoongi.


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