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Getting punched by Yoongi, Taehyung finally realised what he needs to do right.

I woke up from my bed feeling like shit this guilt is eating me alive. All I could hear was crying from Evelyn's room. It was killing me because this is all my fault, I needed to apologise to her. After I finished cleaning myself, I went downstairs to see Evelyn curled up on the sofa, staring at the television whilst clutching her stomach. This is now my chance to apologise. I walked up to her and sat beside her with a heavy heart.

"Evelyn... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry that you caught me cheating, I'm sorry for being an irresponsible prick, I'm sorry for treating you like shit, I'm so sorry for making your life constant hell, I'm sorry for not seeing your worth. You're the most phenomenal being that has ever entered my life. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to protect you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that all I can say is sorry knowing I didn't protect you and prevent all of this from happening. I'm sorry that this happened to you and it's all my fault as much as you tell me it isn't. I'm so sorry Evelyn, I'm so so sorry." I broke down in tears, hugging Evelyn, I felt her wrap her arms around me.

She pulled away from the hug, dried my tears and said to me, "Taehyung, it is your fault I hate that you hurt me like this, but despite everything I never stopped loving you I always held on to the hope that you'd come for me but I lost it after what happened. But I never stopped loving you Taehyung, I never have and never will, I love you Taehyung, it's you who saved me and I'll thank you forever. What's happened has happened but Taehyung, please help me, help me get rid of this pain, please stay by my side and protect me... Like a fresh new start." I looked up to see Evelyn smiling at me, honestly she looked so defeated. I was about to answer her, until she immediately ran upstairs, throwing up in the toilet, crying whilst clutching her stomach.

I rubbed her back and held her hair. She finished throwing up but still held her stomach. I turned to her and told her, "I promise Evelyn, I'm going to protect you and love you forever, now let me take you to the hospital my flower." She wiped her tears, smiling at me and I helped her get ready.

I told the rest of the guys and they just agreed with me. They asked me if I needed them to come along but I declined their offer. But Yoongi didn't say anything, he just told Evelyn not to worry and nodded his head at me.

We arrived at the hospital waiting for the doctor to come in and shout Evelyn's name so that we could go in. After a while we heard her name being called out, "Evelyn Neveah!" We entered her room and Evelyn laid on the bed whilst I told the doctor what was wrong with her. I told her that Evelyn kept clutching her stomach due to pain and was throwing up because of it, she immediately checked her stomach. We waited for a bit to get our results back when the doctor turned around and said...

"Congratulations Miss Neveah, you're pregnant".


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