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I woke up to see the sight of Evelyn next to me. I was a little rough with her yesterday, even though I only just got her back, I should make it up to her.

I stayed laying in bed, admiring her beautiful face, my baby hasn't changed one bit. I put my finger on top of her forehead, then traced it down to her nose.

Her eyes opened as I reached her lips, she spoke, "So it wasn't a dream? I really am here" I replied to her, "I'm glad to have you back Evelyn, let me make it up to you" she just sat there dumbfounded as I smirked at her. I went to go and wash my face.

After I had finished, Evelyn walked in and washed her face. I told her, "When you're done, come downstairs" she nodded at me and then brushed her teeth.

I went downstairs to see Seokjin making breakfast, Jimin and Jeongguk were messing around, Yoongi was sleeping on the couch, but told the others he's just resting his eyes and Namjoon was in the kitchen trying to help Jin Hyung.

"Oh you're awake? Is Evelyn awake too?" Seokjin asked, I replied, "Yup she's just getting changed" he nodded and continued making breakfast as he ordered Namjoon to go and sit down.

Evelyn came down and everyone was silent, until Jeongguk ran to her and pulled her into a huge hug, "Evelyn!" she winced immediately, pushing him away, making him stumble backwards. He looked up at her and her eyes widened, "I'm so sorry Jeongguk, I have really bad back pain. I didn't mean to push you, I'm so sorry" she spoke whilst her head was down. Taehyung felt really bad knowing she winced because of what he did to her. Seokjin walked up to her caressing her hair, "It's okay Evelyn, we know it wasn't intentional" he spoke, she looked up to see him smile as she returned it, "Come on, Sweetheart, let's have breakfast."

They all sat there until Taehyung spoke, "Evelyn I'm taking you out today" I quickly turned to him and nodded. I got ready, whilst brushing my hair I felt arms wrap around my waist, I turned around to see Taehyung. I took his arms off me and kissed him, "Tae, please don't touch my back, it still hurts" I put my head down. Taehyung placed both of his hands on my cheeks and pecked my forehead, "I'm sorry, I'll make today a proper welcome back" he grabbed my hand, we went downstairs and told everyone goodbye.

We sat in the car and Tae drove, he took us to a beach, we spent our whole day there, it was so sweet and cute. Tae gave me little kisses every second and gave me his cute box smile. Night reached, me and Tae sat on a ferris wheel, hands intertwined. Taehyung whispered to himself, "Any second now" after he said that beautiful fireworks shot up and lit up the dark abyss. I just stared in awe until Tae spoke, "Thank you Evelyn, thank you for entering my life, thank you for making me sane again, I love you so much" I had tears in my eyes until Tae pulled me in a long passionate kiss as tears fell from both our eyes.


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